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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Ottomatk

    Question about Timothy Hay

    My chin loves his timothy hay, he eats it all the time. However, he loves to throw the hay on the ground and leave it untouched. I will wake up in the morning to find hay all over his cage. I think he eats a lot of it, but 50% ends up in the bedding. Is this normal? Do i need to supply...
  2. Ottomatk

    Scared Chinchilla Isn't Drinking Water

    All the suggestions were great, but it seems like my chinchilla was just a picky one. I switched to bottled water and he drinks normally now.
  3. Ottomatk

    Scared Chinchilla Isn't Drinking Water

    Also, could I try a water bowl?
  4. Ottomatk

    Scared Chinchilla Isn't Drinking Water

    Okay, thank you. I'm going to give him another night with the water then try bottled water. If that doesnt work I'll be calling the breeder.
  5. Ottomatk

    Scared Chinchilla Isn't Drinking Water

    Ill keep a close eye on him. To answer your questions, the bottle is the same. He was bought from a breeder and the breeder used tap water like we are using. I'm sure the water hasn't moved since, but he is eating fine. I'm pretty sure the guy gets really active at night, cause pellets are...
  6. Ottomatk

    Scared Chinchilla Isn't Drinking Water

    I just got myself a new Chinchilla, who I absolutely love. However, the guy is really scared of me. He hides in the corner when I come downstairs and won't move a muscle. I know this is normal at first and they start to warm up to you, but he isn't drinking any of his water (I use a glass...
  7. Ottomatk

    Plastic Bottom Pan?

    As of now i have a pumice block, wooden shelves, a wooden block, and a cardboard toilet paper roll. This little guy is about to be spoiled on chew toys...
  8. Ottomatk

    Plastic Bottom Pan?

    Looks like I'll be getting a metal pan. Thanks everyone.
  9. Ottomatk

    Plastic Bottom Pan?

    So my Prevue cage came in today, and I'll be getting my chinchilla tomorrow. the cage has a wire pull out bottom, and a plastic pull out pan below it. I dont like the idea of the wire bottom, so I pulled it out and just left the plastic pan full of bedding. I know they cant have plastic, so I...
  10. Ottomatk

    Kaytee Timothy Hay

    Much appreciated everyone. Getting my Chin tomorrow!
  11. Ottomatk

    Kaytee Timothy Hay

    Is Kaytee Timothy Hay alright to feed your chinchilla? I'm a newbie and I bought Oxbow Pellets for feed and I was just wondering if Kaytee was an alright brand to buy when it came to Timothy Hay. Thanks.
  12. Ottomatk

    Where to find Timothy Hay

    Does anyone know if Kaytee Timothy Hay is alright to use?
  13. Ottomatk

    Sanitizing Wood Shelving?

    Alright, thank you!
  14. Ottomatk

    Sanitizing Wood Shelving?

    Alright, so I don't need to boil/cook the pine?
  15. Ottomatk

    Sanitizing Wood Shelving?

    Hey everyone, I'm about to be a chinchilla owner. I ordered the cage and it should be in any day now. I have all the necessary supplies, and have been doing as much research as possible for the little guy. I still have many questions, but a lot are being answered on this site, including how...