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    Chin losing fur?

    Hey guys! I may be overreacting but I just had my chin out to play and for the first time,she shedded a huge chunk of fur,roots and all! I've had her for a year now and this is the first time it's happened. Should I be concerned or is it a stress thing? She seems fine... Thanks if anyone can...
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    Do your chins know their names?

    Mine does. I say her name and she pops up or I say chinnie ( I call her that too) and she responds. Very cute
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    Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

    That is exactly what mine does. She hates being in there. I can't say I blame her. I'd rather have free reign all the time:)
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    Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

    Good to know. I havent' had that problem with mine so wouldn't have known its a defense mechanism. Hopefully I won't give her a reason to do that!
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    Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

    It seems Thiago jumps on my cat then runs away only to have the cat chase her then she does it again. Its like a little game with them:) Yoyis37 I am very new to chins as well. I only have one so I don't have the issue with spraying..Maybe the female is claiming you as her property and is...
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    Chincilla or Degu's

    I've had a degu for 7 years and they make wonderful pets. Completely different than chins but they have their own personality and based on the sounds they make, you can tell what kind of mood they are in. Mine died 6 months ago at age 7 so they live almost as long as chins providing there are no...
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    Fuzzy Little Temper

    Hahahahaha! These comments are too funny and sounds like mine! Well Chinsmom, to go with your Chinzilla, I have Sheena the Amazon Queen when mine wants out. She (Thiago) deliberately removes her ramp from the first platform and lets it swing.( the hammock is attached to it so it can't go very...
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    Fleece vs woodchips

    Thanks Stackie! I need to get my sewing machine up and running. Its missing the foot petal. It'd be so much easier to make my own. In the mean time ,I'll check out the classifides. :D
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    Fleece vs woodchips

    That's wonderful! Thank you guys for the links and I didn't know there was a classified section (blush). I'm going to take a browse thru the classifieds right now and check out that link!:)
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    Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

    Well ironically enough I posted a thread about using fleece instred of woodchips and since lastnight she doesn't seem to do that as much nor gnaw on the cage. I wonder if the fleece was the fix..
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    Fleece vs woodchips

    Awesome. The fleece seems to be the way to go:)
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    Fleece vs woodchips

    I put in a standard fleece blanket in there lastnight. Doubled it up just to see how she will react. I think she likes it. She was hopping around her cage and isn't gnawing the bars as much. I'll probably invest in those liners once I find where to get them. Unfortunatly I dont' have a sewing...
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    Fleece vs woodchips

    I only have one chin so this might be a good idea. Definatley would cut down on the mess. I'd imagine it'd be softer on her feet as well. This is great to know. Might give it a go and see what she thinks. Now all I have is a fleece throw I can cut up to make 2 liners. That should be ok for her I...
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    Fleece vs woodchips

    I was wondering, I saw a cage setup here that had an ingenious idea to use a fleece blanket in place of woodchips. I think that's a great idea as it cuts down on messes. Has anyone tried this and recommends it over woodchips. I've hadrodents for about 20 years and never thought of this before...
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    Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

    Oh for sure! I keep watch all the time. I dont' take her out unless I have time dedicted to keep an sharp eye on both of them. I'm actually surprised they are getting along. My cat is crippled so there is only so much she can do attack wise. She can't swipe very well. She just mainly sits and...
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    Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

    I usually open up the cage and put it on my hand. She comes running to me when I am home to see me and such and lets me pick her up so I think she trusts me, I wonder if this behaviuor is just her being her..:) I may have let her run around too early before fully bonding so now maybe she...
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    Chin Wants Out and Drags me Into Cage

    Hi guys. I have a question. Not sure if I have a hyper chin but she (still trying to get used to that) wants out at night every night and sometimes I can't let her out but when I go near the cage to give her a pat thru the bars, she bites me and tries to drage me into the cage so I'm out of her...
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    I"m New and Don't Know What This Is!

    Thanks:) You guys helped a lot! I guess it would be easy to make that mistake because males and females more or less look the same.... At least I can rest easy now:) She ( i have to get used to that) is adorable so I'm glad she is ok.:D
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    I"m New and Don't Know What This Is!

    Thanks.:) I feel better. I got HER from a girl whose chin had babies and she had no idea either as hers is her first. Thank you very much everyone. I feel very much at ease now:thumbsup:
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    I"m New and Don't Know What This Is!

    Oh God, I gave my poor chin a complex! SHE is definatly a girl then. I feel so bad for calling her a he for the last 3 months...:oops: I'm glad this "thing" is normal. I was quite worried. I'm glad I found you guys. I would have been panicking all night! I've had a degu for 7 years (RIP) and...