Dust Bath House

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What does everyone use for dust houses? I currently use a small microwave pan that is about 3" high and maybe 5"x8". To control some of the "poof" from the dust I covered it with one of those plastic domes petco and petsmart sell. The purple castle things. Pachuco doesn't chew it, he is too busy running around during playtime.

I was looking at some of the other dust pens and they just don't seem right to me. The colored plastic dust house looks like the opening is to small:


and the ceramic one looks like dust would still get everywhere:


What does everyone use in order to minimize the dust spread when your chin is rolling in the dust? (I know there is nothing I can do with him spreading the dust as he runs around) I've heard a cut up gallon milk jug would work, but I think it would be too flimsy and the opening might cut him.

Cheaper is always good too! ;)
The colored dust houses are what I use; the opening looks kind of small but it's large enough to get my biggest chin in. it contains the dust really well, but I don't leave the dust houses in. I give it to them for 15-20 minutes then take it out. It's plenty of time for them to get clean, then they are already waiting for their post-both cheerio.

Hopefully that helps :)
I have the plastic one in the first link..the opening isn't too small at all.
I absolutely adore the plastic bath house (though Nibbler has started, er, nibbling it) but since I am there to immediately take it out if he does, I think I can break that habit rather quickly. :) I only give it to him for a few minutes as I give daily dust baths to reward Nibbler (FINALLY) going back into his cage on his own.

The plastic one reminds me of an industrial clothes dryer with the circular windows on the front on chinnie-spin cycle! :hilarious: It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I've read somewhere that the ceramic ones are kinda scary- they can tip over if not secured.
I have the plastic house also - and my guys have no problem getting in and spinning themselves round and round....works great - I don't leave mine in the cage either- they come out of their cages for their baths.
The plastic dust houses have adequate openings for chins to get in and out of. The ceramic "bath house" is worthless as a bath house because there isn't room for a chin to roll in the dust, and as mentioned, it could easily fall over.

Other people having used fish bowls, gallon pickle jars, shoe boxes, Rubbermaid containers with lids, even enclosed cat litter boxes to reduce the amount of dust that floats around. Make sure what ever you use is made of sturdy material. It has also been suggested to let your chin dust in a shower (in their bath house and with a dry floor) and then run the shower after they're done to cut down on the amount of dust.
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A lot of people use gallon size glass jars--like pickle jars; easy to clean, too.

I've seen people use buckets; a 5 gallon bucket would help keep down the dust poof a bit.
On that note, when I bought Turbo, he came with a 12"x18"x12" (or so) aquarium so that when I do intros they can bathe together at the same time. :)

Just another option! It has a mesh top which lets the chins breathe but might cut down on the dust somewhat.
I have the plastic one but want to get a goldfish jar or pickle jar so I can see through. The hole isn't too small, it makes a nifty "woosh" when my chin jumps in hehe
Hmm looks like I might go with the plastic house then. Although a see through glass one would be pretty cool to be able to fully see him go at the dust... :p

Thanks for all the responses! If I can find a cheap aquarium or 5 gallon bucket I might try those too!
I used to use a pan but too much dust ended up on the floor and was a waste. I also have the plastic dust house and Tink loves it. She rolls around in it and is quite hilarious to watch. The opening is plenty big to get in and out of.
These are my glass ones. They are supposed to be an iced drink dispenser but I love that they're flat on the sides so they don't roll around like pickle jars.

sue and ginger when I first got the jars:

Ginger giving me serious stink eye (this shows a flannel flange idea I had to try to keep most of the dust in, it is working pretty well!):

I've been using the 1 gallon glass jars for years, and there are two different size openings, so I use the larger ones for the larger chins, obviously.
There's nothing funnier than watching 3 or 4 just weaned kits getting in there at the same time, either! One day I'll remember to get pictures - all legs and dust!
I use glass fish bowls, and they work great. I am allergic to dust, so I usually have to leave the room while they bathe. But the bowls contain the dust very well, and they can be put in the dishwasher when someone pees in them, which inevitably happens with one of my babies.
I use glass fish bowls, and they work great. I am allergic to dust, so I usually have to leave the room while they bathe. But the bowls contain the dust very well, and they can be put in the dishwasher when someone pees in them, which inevitably happens with one of my babies.

Same here. I use the bowls with the flat sides, they are awesome.
I use large glass jars as well as those ceramic chinnie dust things with ears so they look like chinchillas. If the chinchillas are non-chewers than I use those plastic houses. A lot of people donate those so if I need them I use them.
We use the plastic house, and I've never noticed that the entrance seemed small at all. I;ve seen the ceramic ones at the store and they seem way too small. I know my chins would never be able to roll around like they like to do, and most of mine are pretty petite.
I just use a 6 qt open storage bin with dust in the bottom, and I wouldn't worry about the opening on the plastic house, they can squeeze into the most surprising places!