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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2009
my chin is not drinkin much water and ive noticed his poos to be smaller then usuall and i am giving him baby gas drops and he is running around fine but he is eating but not much and he is eating his hay kinda but chews the crap out of apple sticks and thats it. what can i do to help him
He needs a vet if you think it is bloat, and it sounds like it very well may be. He will need Reglan and Propulsid, baby gas drops, belly massages, sub c fluids, and an x ray to see how things are going. Please get him to a vet now. Don't wait, if it is bloat he does not have long.
Yes definaly get him to a vet asap. The vet will be able to help you with all your questions and get him the help he needs.
yeah i brought him to the vet and she said it was minor bloat it wasnt to bad and to just keep him on hay and pellets and do a cold switch to mazuri stop feeding him the breaders stuff there was to many treats in it but he seems to be eating drinking and peeing just fine now but he seems a lil lethargic in the cage he just sleeps and mopes around untill i let him out which is odd usually he begs to get out and ever since the vet he no longer comes to my hand he runs away so i leave the cage door open for him to come out
yeah i brought him to the vet and she said it was minor bloat it wasnt to bad and to just keep him on hay and pellets and do a cold switch to mazuri stop feeding him the breaders stuff there was to many treats in it but he seems to be eating drinking and peeing just fine now but he seems a lil lethargic in the cage he just sleeps and mopes around untill i let him out which is odd usually he begs to get out and ever since the vet he no longer comes to my hand he runs away so i leave the cage door open for him to come out

Did you have x-rays done to make sure that there were no other issues? It seems as if he is doing worse...not better. I'd get a second check or a different vet.

And just a question-what breeder sends a chin away (or has them on it at all) on high treat food? :wacko:
What type of food is he currently on? I'm assuming it wasn't that great of a breeder if the breeder feeds food with treats in it.
If he is moping around and seems rather lazy, he is not okay. I would be looking for a new vet for a second opinion before it's too late. Chins don't show signs of pain or illness, so for him to just be laying around is not a good sign at all. Please find a new vet!
Do you have an emergency vet you could take him to? Maybe post where you are (sorry I didn't check if you already have) so that people could direct you in the right direction (??)

Please do something about this before it's too late.
the vet i brought him to has 2 chins her self and he is fine when he is out of the cage but my brother is now home from the marines and staying in my room could that make him shy in the cage becuase he is only lazy when he is in the cage when he is out of the cage he is fine she did take one xray and she said everything looked fine he is doing fine now with pooping and drinking and eating and he is on mazuri now the feed the breeder gave me had flax seeds in it and a mix of multiple company pellets in it so she told me instead of doing the mix jsut do a cold switch and he is gobbling up all the mazuri with no problem and is eating his hay but hes sleeping more and being lazy only in the cage. but can this be caused by my brothers presence?
I went to the vet again today for churro because he was still acting weird and my vet felt that he was fine only becuase he was running around on the table in the examination room. which is what he did last time although all he did yesterday was mope around the cage until play time. which I dont understand why he mopes around the cage but is a nut at play time is he fine but does not like his cage?

I am confused and I need help please feel free to pm me or email me/instant message me at [email protected] for more details or simply ask on this thread

PS. does anyone know a good vet in the lower NY region? I am in Rocklan county which is 15 minutes north of the city... any help would be greatly appriciated