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Every time I clean the cage and get scoops of poop, uneaten hey and used Aspen Shavings I wonder: Can I use it as fertilizer / cover material for the garden? Should I trash it or put in the compost? What do you do?
When I put new plants in the ground I mix the poos with the soil before I put it in. Otherwise I just spread it over top before watering or before it rains so it kind of works itself into the soil.Thank you Amethyst & Saffron!
Are you just spreading the poops on the ground or do you have to work it into the ground?
I do this too! I shake out my fleece liners over my front flower bed before tossing them in the wash. But that's all I do. I just toss the used aspen shavings from the litterbox in the trash.In the summer I also shake my fleece liners outside, and the hay and poops just decompose into the ground fertilizing the area