Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. I'm going to be honest with you, my chins are a hobby that got way out of hand.
Without further a do, here is the whole family:
Hedwig, Errol, Ash, Olaf, Sven, Clark, Oliver, Felicity, Marlee, America, Ashley, Carly and Sam.
As you may notice, I have some movie/book themes going here.
I have big cages that my dad built for me.
They're not here anymore, but it all started with Maia and Demi, I found them at the local pet store, they had been there for 2(!) years. After the owner promised me he'd never get chinchilla's anymore, I took them home. I instantly fell in love with chins. The results show that pretty clearly.
I got quite a few of my chins from shelters. The once I got from (good and loving) breeders were usually because I had a chin that had difficulties bonding with adult chins.
At the beginning of this post I shared the chins I have at the moment, but it just doesn't feel right not to share the cuties who have crossed the rainbow bridge: Maia, Demi, Cam, Nash, Dobby, Diggle, Mary Kate, Barry, Cisco and Mikey. I miss every single one of them and they'll always belong to our gigantic chinchilla family
Obviously I couldn't attach a photo of every chin, but here are most of them!

Without further a do, here is the whole family:
Hedwig, Errol, Ash, Olaf, Sven, Clark, Oliver, Felicity, Marlee, America, Ashley, Carly and Sam.
As you may notice, I have some movie/book themes going here.
I have big cages that my dad built for me.
They're not here anymore, but it all started with Maia and Demi, I found them at the local pet store, they had been there for 2(!) years. After the owner promised me he'd never get chinchilla's anymore, I took them home. I instantly fell in love with chins. The results show that pretty clearly.
I got quite a few of my chins from shelters. The once I got from (good and loving) breeders were usually because I had a chin that had difficulties bonding with adult chins.
At the beginning of this post I shared the chins I have at the moment, but it just doesn't feel right not to share the cuties who have crossed the rainbow bridge: Maia, Demi, Cam, Nash, Dobby, Diggle, Mary Kate, Barry, Cisco and Mikey. I miss every single one of them and they'll always belong to our gigantic chinchilla family

Obviously I couldn't attach a photo of every chin, but here are most of them!