My gorgeous boy, Mr. Man.

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2011
Dirty South
:broken: You came into our lives as (what we were told) was a little baby girl. You came with your sister who--truth be told was whom I'd seen first and wanted. But I learned you two came as a pair, which was just fine with me. I soon realized you were a boy---it explained why none of the girlie names stuck.

In time, I realized none the names I gave you stuck. You simply became Mr. Man.

Always the shy one, you preferred your tube while your sister jumped from ledge to ledge for attention. You did like being held though; in fact, you would bob your head a little when you got comfy in my hands. You LOVED our friend Ronnie--you could stay burrowed in the crook of his arm forever.

I loved your pink feet, the teeny tiny freckles on your nose, these little characteristics that made you so different from your sis. You'd gotten to the point where, in the early morning, Josh's alarm would go off, and fly you would to the front of your cage and wait...wait...for him to get up and give you scritches. You liked my scritches too--you were always giving me little nibbles. You preferred cubed hay to your sister's loose. I gave you loose too anyway. How you loved your wooden logs--by the end you had them all lined up like fat pencils, whittled to points at the ends. And God how you adored your hammock. You made a point to have hammock time every single day, as much as you loved your tube. I regret I never got a good picture of you in it.

You were our gentle sweet shy boy. I am so sorry you don't get to try out an exercise wheel. I am so sorry your sister is outliving you. I am so sorry you can't enjoy scritches anymore. I am so sorry I couldn't save you. I am so sorry you were just a year old. A baby, really. I pray there was no pain for you. I hope you're enjoying the rainbow bridge with all the other chins--you can see all the other purdy colors you guys can be, :kiss:

Seeing your empty cage everyday still pains me. I can't yet bring myself to clean it. I know one day there will be another little one there, with their own accoutrements. I will make sure they get none of the things you loved so much. They will have their own.

I know Sappho misses you. She doesn't have anyone to talk to from above anymore. She notices your absence; I have no idea if she knows...

We got the surprise pleasure of having you as our little guy--our first male chinchilla. You were so darn cute. Sweet fluffy man. I love you and love you.

:bluebounce: (You always were a blue boy.)



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He was so cute. I'm so sorry. =(

He was, thank you. It took him a long time to become as puffy as his sis (they had different mothers), but once he did he was just a big cotton ball.

Thank you everyone for your words. Things still feel weird......I don't know when it will feel ok to have another chin, even though I want one very much.
RIP Mr. Man. :( He was a very handsome boy! My Mr. Mann looked just like him! He passed away about a year ago. :(
I'm so sorry for your loss of Mr. Man. :flowers5:

He knew that he was loved.

You'll know when the time is right to get another chinnie -- maybe a little girl for Sappho so she will have someone with whom to snuggle. :)
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