How does your chinchilla sleep?

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How do your chinnies sleep?

  • IN a tube

    Votes: 27 39.7%
  • ON a tube

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • UNDER a tube

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • on a shelf

    Votes: 30 44.1%
  • under their liner! (or burrowed in bedding)

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • in a hidey hut

    Votes: 34 50.0%
  • on a ledge

    Votes: 25 36.8%
  • in their hay

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • my chin doesn't have a favorite

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • other!

    Votes: 15 22.1%

  • Total voters


the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
Just thought it would be interesting to know how everyone's chins sleep. It's multiple choice, so pick away! ;)
Shell sleeps in her tube, sitting up, laying on her side or sitting on a perch.
In the summer and warmer weather, Trixe sleeps inside her hidey hut. I put her chiller here on really hot days. Come fall and the cooler weather, she leaves her hut had heads into her fleece pouch to sleep.
Starrkey is a pretty sleepy chin, he fell off his low shelf the other night as he sleeps on his side, in this situe he stretched a little too much to push himself off it! He seemed a little startled but is ok! But he sleeps stood up, hidden away in tubes, hidey houses etc or all brazen sprawled on a shelf! he has variety napping haha!
Yeah Jemma and Zim both have various sleep areas, don't really just have one favorite right now.
I would say all of the above. But mostly on a shelf. I guess she just plops where ever she is at that moment. I catch her sleeping all over her cage
Kiwi mostly just sprawls out on the top shelf, but in the early morning and mid afternoon you can find her in her tubie. She also prefers the hammock in the bottom of her cage over the one in the top of her cage, she's a little silly.
I have a new one: how about a pyrex dish? That's right, when I switched Max over from a metal baking pan litter box to a nice pyrex dish, he decided to repeatedly dig ALL the shavings out so he could sleep there. Now he has two pyrexes, one for sleeping, and one for litter. It works well that way. He's just a quirky boy! (He used to sleep in a chiminea, but he outgrew it!)
I have a new one: how about a pyrex dish? That's right, when I switched Max over from a metal baking pan litter box to a nice pyrex dish, he decided to repeatedly dig ALL the shavings out so he could sleep there. Now he has two pyrexes, one for sleeping, and one for litter. It works well that way. He's just a quirky boy! (He used to sleep in a chiminea, but he outgrew it!)

Wow! Someone else on here has a chin who sleeps in a fish bowl, too. o_O; By the by, I love your Max, he is an absolute cutie pie. Also, what's a chiminea?
Wow! Someone else on here has a chin who sleeps in a fish bowl, too. o_O; By the by, I love your Max, he is an absolute cutie pie. Also, what's a chiminea?

Thanks! :) A chiminea is a decorative fireplace, usually ceramic. But the small, decorative ones aren't really used for fire. Kinda like this, minus the stand, but what I had was smaller. Max could climb out the top, and he usually did until he grew up!
favorites in my house are: tubes, hammocks, wooden hidey houses & capri sun boxes!

i open both end of the box and it acts as a tunnel/sleeping quarters and for a couple of my guys its something to shred! i have all my friends save theirs as i go thru them quickly. at least 4 or 5 of my boys sleep in there and i mean sprawled out, scare mommy cause she thinks they are dead....sleep!
Mine sleeps on his back when hes really comfortable inside his house. It looks like he's dead.
Edgar loves his chube and we find him in it every morning unless I sleep in the room with him on the occasional nights I have insomnia. Than he burrows under his fleece lining like me with the blanket on the sofa. It's really cute.
99% of the time, Peewee sleeps in his 'Little Tikes' toy boat on the very top level of his cage. We gave him this about 5 or 6 years ago, and he has slept in it ever since. Once in a blue moon I see him sleeping on the Leap N Ledge, but other than that, it is always the boat. It's a perfect size for him, and pretty much his all time favorite item.

The other two I've only had for a short period of time, but they both seem to very much enjoy sleeping in the large glass jar that came with them.