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<---House beaver.
Jan 12, 2010
My daddy says I'm spoiled. Mommy says I don't have enough toys. What do you think?

Well, Shell-monster...I'd have to say you are completely unloved. Poor thing...no one EVER gives you toys or anything to play with! The horror!!! :neener:
Holy cow! Some of the chews are bigger than Shelly! She's so stinkin' cute sitting in her goody basket. :D
Holy CRAP Cindy! Look at that basket of goodies! And how perfectly fat Shelly is! She is such a little cow, no wonder you love her so much. :D :D :D
hahah that is the most adorable thing i've ever seen! she is such a spoiled little (i mean chunky ;) ) chinnie.
Holy cow! Some of the chews are bigger than Shelly! She's so stinkin' cute sitting in her goody basket. :D

It's really funny watching her pull them around the house.

What can I say I love my fatty.
What....? Was there a chin in the basket too? lol. I don't think you can overspoil a chin! They are meant to be treated like royalty!
She will have no teeth left after that!
I am going to call the SPA on you for abusing her.

:thumbsup: she is more than spoiled.
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