NY/NE show

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Get christiane. I forgot to give you your show book. I've got all the comments in it. I'll pm you them tomorrow when i get home from work.
She discovered the hammock, and hasn't left it in hours. i need help naming her! any ideas?

So something came up in the morning and I didn't make it to the show until about 1pm, but I really enjoyed my first show and it was nice to meet the few people I did! I won one of the raffle items donated by Annelise, and I haven't made it home to Boston yet but I know my babies are going to love their new hanging toys and chinny cookies!

Also I was just curious if anyone took photos of the show and would be willing to share them with me? I really want to share with my friends and family because words don't do it justice. Thanks in advance!

Wow now that I'm home and rested, I had a GREAT time. It was good meeting new folks like Ashley, Robillard, Sarah, Rob Walker and a few others. Always good seeing the regulars! SO MANY nice raffle items (and NO it wasn't rigged! I only won the first few items raffled!). Lunch was very good as well. Dinner with my roommates at the College Diner was also very nice, even if we were all about to fall asleep into our plates. I was just happy all day. Love New York in the fall.
It sounds like the show was very nice.
I was going to go, but something came up.
Hopefully I will be able to go next year!

By the way, Ashley, your chin is adorable!! Not sure about a name but she sure is a pretty one :)
I had a blast! Just got home not too long ago and I'll be spending the next 14 hours resting in my comfortable bed, I refuse to leave it! Then I get to spend the rest of the week looking into ventilation for the barn :-/ Always great to see everyone of course and can't wait until next year :)
I personally, was very happy getting to meet people from this forum, granted I was only there for an hour before I had to leave for NYC to a rugby game, I was surprised how many people take the trip to Port Ewen.

I loved how Saphire and Mish were teaching me about the light they use to judge, and that talk about tails haha. I also now know to look for a better doctor according to tiff, eff this astigmatism.

Hopefully I will end up traveling to a show sooner or later.
My hubby hates going. He finds it is like watching paint dry. He won't go with me to any of them. I back up. He may go with me to the state college show in PA but that would only be because he has a real good friend that lives about 1.5 hrs away that he can go visit while I do my thing. Don't get me wrong he's very supportive when I'm at the show but won't sit through another one.
Tiffany- I had planned all week to ride with Jess because I knew he was going to be bored. Then Thursday night he said he wanted to go. From 8am till 3 all I heard was Im bored, when will this be over,ect. In the car he said Next time I can ride with Jess. All I was thinking was Thank God!! Really..what was he thinking..lol.
Barb has the good hubby..he tags along and doesnt mind!
Oh he minds somewhat. But he goes and has learned to bring 'stuff' (reading material, sometimes a lap top,etc) to get him busy. Plus he bring pillows and a sleeping bag to take a nap in the car since we get up so early. Sometimes he goes shopping. He is one the few men I know that likes to clothes shop for himself I go to stuff that interested him so it works out
My hubby did bring things to do but he was STILL bored. He kept going outside to call his friends and such. He definitely won't be coming with again to any shows. I mostly wanted him there to help choose our new girl.
My hubby goes to every show, but he's very into the chinchillas. The only reason we breed ebonies is because he loves them - otherwise, we'd probably be exclusively standards (my favorite). I am lucky that he is so involved!