Disturbing comments about torturing chins

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ummm...no one who works on a fur ranch would be allowed to torture an animal like that or mistreat the animals in general.

He's just a troll trying to get a rise out of any pet person he can. Probably thinks he's the funniest thing to hit youtube. I'd ignore him, delete his comments on your video, or mark his comments as spam. Don't respond or rise to the bait...it's like adding fuel to the fire.

ETA: I reported his profile and marked both comments as spam. He's just a bored guy that made a profile for the soul purpose of putting disturbing images in other people's heads and to upset pet owners worldwide. He's not new and he's not funny. Ignoring is the best thing you can do. His profile picture also isn't that bad...no torture going on. Just a dead chin...this guy needs a life and I hope he gets over the whole lying to get attention thing soon.
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i agree that he may just be a troll.
in looking through the other videos he comments and the types of users hes added as "friends", its also been brought to my attention just how many videos of animal slaughter/torture/abuse are on the site. if theres anything to be done about this, it could be that youtube needs to be more strict about upholding their terms of service. they clearly state to refrain from posting such material. if they can act within minutes of someone uploading adult content, then why not animal abuse?
youtube mentions that they work with law enforcement and take verbal abuse and other threats very seriously. there are sick people out there who most likely post torture of animals and get away with it. i think having the aspca and youtube work together could defnitely help prevent animal cruelty and most certainly keep it out of the limelight that these trolls are craving.
this is utterly unacceptable and needs to be stopped!

what about the chin advocacy I've been reading about on these forums?

isn't there some grass roots level effort taking shape on this forum for advocating chin rights?

let me know how I can contribute to this because having seen all this, I am now completely convinced we all need to do much more.

get a youtube account and mark everything he does as spam...troll after him but don't respond to him. It just adds fuel to the fire.

He's not actually doing these things anyway. He just thinks he's intelligent and funny and imaginative. Which he isn't, but he has managed to work up a lot of people with a few lies.
Would it be better to flag it as spam or as violent content? You can actually flag it as "violent acts" and then as a subcategory "animal abuse".
I've been flagging his videos as "animal abuse" because that's the correct category. I also just marked his profile in general which you can do as well. There's something at the bottom of the profiles after their general information where you can flag their entire profile.
Well i guess i must of missed his videos he posted. All i seen was his comments he posted to other peoples videos. Is he actually posting what he does to them on there? I guess im not super familiar with you tube and how it works.
I did see his name on there tho and who he claims is his boss. Am i allowed to mention it here? Maybe someone will have heard of his "boss"?
I am curious many of us would know if his "boss" is a ligitimate rancher and if they are the person could get in a heck of a lot of trouble with their boss. Maybe even slander since they are saying the rancher allows it
He also claims he and the "rancher" pay the police and state dept of health off. Ann, where on there does it say which rancher? I can't find it. Just "Midwest"
Peter Patrick Bennigan

Thats his name. He claimed at one point that he his boss was a "jean paul gaultier" and he knew what he was doing and was perfectly ok with it.
I watched one of his video and almost threw up. I was crying and very sad to see how the chinnies were mis-treated. I have been very depressed all day.
I would love nothing more to get ahold of this sick ba*****!!! what a evil evil man............:(
jean paul gaultier is a fashion designer who markets perfumes as well as fur coats. im thinking he either just threw that designer name out there to show that he's "legit" or he's just adding to the bs. as a side note, jean paul has already been in the spotlight for making fur coats but i dont think they'll really care about it. its a french designer and pretty expensive.

and IMO, i dont think he'd actually put his real name out there.

and ann, i want to hug you right now. ive been thinking about this thread for days.

group hug everyone? and a prayer that any chins subjected to torture find their way over the rainbow bridge.
fashion designers usually don't ranch...they worry about the end product...not how the product was produced. Yet another reason this guys "torture stories" are just that. STORIES. He isn't actually doing any of this stuff...as I've said before. There are too many things he says that I can easily point out where he's adding things in just to stir people up. He's not doing actually torturing chinchillas or other animals...he's just a bored, attention starved guy getting people to make a fuss over him.
This guy has not actually posted any videos. The ones on his page are just videos that he added to his favorites. And I mean, come on, if you read his profile you can tell it's fake. Yeah, he's a creep who has no life, but that's all he is. None of his stories could possibly be true.
His name is fake - stereotypical drunken, Irish name (no offense to anyone out there).

Just mark things as offensive. Every comment he gets back just makes him say more stupid things. As far as Harvard, doubtful. He's probably just some stupid turd who needed something to do. Heck, he might have joined this forum to see what the people who love chins have to say. Who knows the extent some creepers will go to?
So those videos arent his that are on there? I know they have to be real? They were just to realistic not to be.
The one (and only one) video i watched there was a guy torturing chinnies. It was sooooo very sad, i almost threw up. The poor chinnies were screaming in pain. I felt like clairece from silence of the lambs (i know that sounds funny but it is very true) i just wanted the chinnies to stop crying. I even had nightmares about it last night.
Im not very good at navigating through you tube but the video were attached to his profile.
As for his name, i kind of figured it was fake. He's to chicken to list his real name or adress on there. My hubby said i should reply to them and ask him where he lives. He said we should go pay him a visit......lol
as for jean paul gaultier being a designer, i had no idea. He just stated him and his boss and then named him. Kind of figures he is also to chicken to name this supposive "ranch" he works at.
I certainly hope everyone is right and he is all talk. It is very frightening to think someone might actually be doing that. At any rate i hope the authorities find him and lock him up :[
The video's on his profile are videos on his favorite's list. He hasn't actualy uploaded any videos of his own.
So those videos arent his that are on there? I know they have to be real? They were just to realistic not to be.

The videos on his page are videos that other people have uploaded that he added to his favorites... which just means there are a lot of people on youtube who actually DO post videos of animal torture. ):
I am so very sad. That's just not right. Those poor babies