Disturbing comments about torturing chins

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it looks like Youtube might have deleted or locked his page. If you click his name it doesn't let you view anything. Hopefully they lock his IP address out so he can't just create another ID.
It's still visable for me. Looks like he has been commenting other videos of chinchillas also. Something about baby chins.
He's just being a douche, honestly. It's the internet so he can do what he wants and he wants to make you mad. He just has a sick sense of humor and is extremely twisted.
Don't let it bother you.
In the loosest sense of the term, I think this guy is trying to be funny - failing, but trying nonetheless.

Given the fact that the guy didn't even spell his handle right, I think he's just some sick kid getting his jollies by upsetting other people. Odds are he can't even handle seeing blood in person, let alone causing the death of something.

How many fur ranches are there in the midwest? Undoubtedly they could find this guy and check his stories. He says he has several in a tub of stuff behind a club, that could be pretty easily checked, I would think, and I can't imagine anyone at that club seriously letting that go by unchecked.

I'm sorry you had to read that, but it would probably be best for you to just ignore it and let this sad little person do the one thing that makes him happy - be a total dipstick.
I don't know, it seems pretty real to me...the comments about fur chewing chins and working at a ranch, scares the crap out of me, that is for sure. I would call PETA and get them on his tail. It just scared me that someone could hire him to work for them or something. How awful.
No rancher I know would let someone treat chinchillas cruely..they are in this for the love of the animal too.
Ugh. I saw his very disturbing comments... WHAT KIND OF PERSON KILLS CHINS?! Its cold blooded chinicide (funny word but I am not laughing...)
I agree. PETA may scare the living daylights out of him, but the SPCA or even the cops would have more authority over it. The thing that really grossed me out on another video was him talking about taking kits and chewing them and spitting them back at the mother. What a sick minded person. Please, call someone. If they have his youtube address, they can search his IP as long as he isn't using an invisable IP proxy. Having his IP address can track down where he lives.
Why does it seem like there's no where on Youtube to actually bring this person to their attention? You can't even select a "report" for the person's posts, just flag as spam.
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The troll now has now posted a graphic picture of a dead chin as his profile. uuughhh! I tried reporting him to YouTube and received no response. The ASPCA said to contact the FBI, who told me to contact local police. So frustrating.
There is an option to report a user, it's located in the profile section at the side, below music. I don't know how reliable that is, but if enough people report it we can at least get this thing off youtube.
RCR, I contacted my "local" FBI agency via email and they asked for the website to give him to appropriate section. So, cross your fingers.
Yeah! Thanks Ashley. :hug2: I wish my hubby would have cared enough to call a few people....men!.....:impatient:

I just want to see this guy and his disturbing messages gone. Preferably forever. :))
I hope they do something. I don't even want to see his profile or his words... It makes me sick to my stomach to think that someone would want to be so awful to little critters of any type. My little babies are so precious to me (little babies meaning all the chins) and if anyone were to harm them I would probably become very violent.
It's my understending that Jeffery Dahmer got started with rodents - amazing the FBI would give you the runaround!!
this is seriously upsetting (just to state the obvious).

regardless if this person works on a fur ranch or not, commenting on people's videos of their PETS is inappropriate. how else can authorities be reached? he mentioned that the police already went out to his ranch and found no abuse. while fur ranching is part of the chin world, devoting a youtube page to videos of animals being killed and then spamming other videos is inappropriate. says he has a harvard education...really?