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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. M

    Utica, NY?

    Why don't you look in CT? There are lots of farms for sale in Eastern CT and lots of hospitals in the CT/Mass/RI area. :idea:
  2. M

    Outside fun..........

    Great pics Carol. Love seeing updates on precious Olivia as always :)
  3. M

    My birthday present!

    Black Astralorps? I love the bantams! I hope they don't get a new shipment in tomorrow because I really really really want silkies. Good luck with all the chooks! Do you have a barn or something? There are some pretty cool coop ideas on the Backyard Chicken website. Plus you figure the...
  4. M

    My birthday present!

    What an awesome bday present!!! We have 4 white plymouth rocks that are a year old, 1 Ameraucana mix that is the sweetest chicken ever, a blue orpington rooster that is being rehomed shortly (he's getting to be very aggressive, he's turning 1 soon), and 5 mystery chicks that I think are Serama...
  5. M

    Bales of Hay Near CT?

    I put up an add saying that I was looking for timothy hay and orchard grass on Hartford CL and Eastern CT CL and they emailed me, and have their own ad up on CL as well so it could very well be them. I was supposed to go out there and pick up a bale but never made it out there and haven't...
  6. M

    Mac People

    The keys are separate, but like Spoof said you'd have to try to get them off. They aren't like normal keys. If you are used to using Word etc, then stick with it. iWorks is great, but it is different.
  7. M

    Bales of Hay Near CT?

    Hey Cheryl, there is a farm in Somers where I bought some second cut Timothy hay that is nice. I actually have some in my car so I could show you if you wanted to see it in person before making the trip there. I also know of someone in the Lebanon area that is selling an orchard grass/timothy...
  8. M


    Hey Ash, in the past few months I've been having more issues with breakouts. What works for me is using Jojoba oil (a drop mixed with hot water and massaged into my face for as long as I feel like....its $6 at Trader Joe's), which helps open up pores that are plugged by blackheads etc (my main...
  9. M

    Bunny questions!

    I fill my bunny litter boxes with hay and they seem to get the idea. I have an unneutered male right now (about 6 months), and he's "getting there" with the training. I still keep shavings over half of his cage though. They do like to sleep in their boxes though! I don't use a lot of...
  10. M

    My granddaughter........

    She is beautiful Carol, I can't believe how fast she is growing!
  11. M

    CSI stuff, games, etc for party?

    -It won't say "CSI" but you can buy "Caution" tape at hardware stores since contractors use it to rope off areas. -Scavenger hunts -large Fingerprints painted/drawn on balloons -Pretend the party is like the vacation in "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. All the guests were...
  12. M

    Jon and Kate plus 8

    I do not understand how people can put their children through a situation like this, i.e. using them as basically an experiment on what it's like to have so many kids and what happens when they do this to have the world watch. I think that they both love their kids very much but started off...
  13. M

    Is this sweet or what?

    i love that story :)
  14. M

    New Puppy, Koby!

    he is beautiful!!!
  15. M

    Star Trek

    Loved it