Your perfect chin barn?

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Kung Fu Chinny!
Jan 30, 2009
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX
For those of you who would like to have a separate chin barn, say you acquired a sugar daddy - what would it be like?

I'd like;

Different rooms for breeders and growers.
A good flow-through ventilation setup.
A cement floor - with a drain!
The cooling system that Neubaer uses with pipes that run underground.
I'd probably use tileboard for the walls, easy to wipe down.
I'd like to have a water spigot/sink in the actual room.
An additional room for grading with a sink/counters/storage.

Would like the dimensions to be roughly 20' x 15' for the breeder and 30 x 15 for the grower. The smaller central room I'd be good with 10 x 15'. Ceilings I'd like to stay at 10' or shorter for ease of light changing/cleaning.

Not too much to ask! Oh, and I'd like slightly cooler weather in the summer while I'm at it. :D
Wow, this is weird but I told my husband a few weeks ago that if (1) I won the lotto or 2) he left me and I found a sugar daddy that I would build a chin barn but not for breeding, it would have everything you mentioned above plus "intensive care" rooms for hand fed chinnies and rescues along with chinnie nurses :D and instead of asking for cooler weather in the summer, I would also have a HUGE closet like Sarah Jessica Parker's in the Sex in the City movie.
Most of what you said Tara, except for the cement floor (I worry about falling chins) plus:

Central vacuuming (no hoses or cords laying around).
Dehumidifiers built into the walls, slightly above floor level, but removable if they break.
A dishwasher in the barn.
Every single cage or stack on wheels for easy moving out to clean behind.
Thermal pane windows with blinds built into them, instead of hanging outside of them.

And, since we're going for broke here, it would all be underground with natural lighting fed in somehow, so I could stop worrying about freaking tornados. There would also be cages in a separate room for all of my other animals, including the horses, to get to safety.
Everything you said Tara, plus a smaller play/colony room with lots of cool fake rocks and short tunnels. I want sky lights in addition to full spectrum lighting in the breeding room (for long nights in the chin barn and for when the sky lights are covered with snow).

The chins and I are moving in to the garage as soon as we finish insulating and install a window and a back door. I plan on lining the bottom portion of the walls with tile board to keep them from chewing the drywall like they did upstairs.
Ditto to Tara and tunes. I would like my breeders in the basement where there is a constant temperature and my growers on the 1st floor. I'd also like a room off to the side for washing dishes, grooming, grading, cage building, etc.
Well if this is fantasy land, Id like my barn to come with a cage cleaning, bottle washing assistant. I'd also have a fun little photoshoot area all set up with different props...and natural setting (rocks and sticks) type play areas 10 of them so I could give everyone playtime without spending 12hrs in there lol
Awh man, I wish I had a massive room that was basicly a natural chinchilla habbitat with sticks and trees and rocks and places to jump. One room for the males and one for the females. :) Maby sometime in the far future when I become a doctor. :)
My splurge would be:
-A seperate building connected to the house by a corridor so I don't have to go outside to take care of them (think: winter) but they would be on their own A/C and heating system with a generator.
-Three rooms (growers, breeders, feed/show lights/etc.)
-Nicely painted walls that can withstand a hose and scrubbing
-Cages on racks that can be moved around so if necessary I can move all the chins out of one room and do a good scrub down then switch.
-SHOW LIGHTS, alls i need is one table!
-cement floors so I can just sweep/mop the mess away! No more vacuuming!

One day...