YOUR Interesting Facts!

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-I'm in grad school to get my MFT (marriage and family therapist license)
-I have a niece who is almost 9 months
-My roommates and I have 7 pigeons
-I love researching stuff and read academic type books for fun
-I am always freezing!!! But I love the snow go figure!
-I have lyme disease, and get going on rants about health care (IDSA vs ILADS)
-Pretty much all my clothing shopping is bargin racks or goodwill/salvation army- they have awesome stuff
-I'm a total hippy
-People either think I'm still in high school or a lot older than I really am- no matter what people are shocked that I'm 24

thats all I can think of
-I'm horrible at these lists.
-I hate living in Florida.
-My husband and I met online in a random yahoo group that had nothing to do with where we lived. We found out we went to the same school, were in the same chemisty class, and that he sat behind me. :D Apparently it was meant to be.
-I'm afraid of motorcycles but I really, really want one.
-I have a large collection of original care bears from the 1980's.
-I have an obsession with "How It's Made" on the Discovery Channel.
-I have a really hard time falling asleep but once I am a tornado coming through wouldn't wake me up.
-I work the midnight shift most of the time.
-I have worn the same necklace everyday (except for my wedding day) for the last 3 years.
-I want children very badly but I don't think it will ever happen (lady issues).
-I enjoy making things for my pets (treats, houses, toys ect.).
-I sold several paintings, chalk drawings, and sculptures when I was in middle school to local businesses who saw them at an art show.
*I am 21 and just bought my first house so I feel 41 instead.
*I am in a sorority.
*Im deaf in one ear.
*Spanish was my first language even though I sound more American than my American friends.
*I cant drink milk above 1% fat. I get sick.
*It takes me three hours to straighten my hair. No matter how short or long I keep it.
*I have had my identity stolen. I dont know why Im not very interesting. Im having a hard time coming up with facts.
*I can do my own acrylics.. both hands perfectly.
*I hate human names for animals.
*I taught my dog the difference between bark and whisper.
*I have an old man crush on House.
*I can fix my car if I needed to. LIke today i fixed my radio on my own!
*I know how to fix a toilet(learned in Girl Scouts)
*I have perverted hedgies
*I have to have mommy time with all my animals everyday or *I* feel incomplete
*I have a serious fear of the Chuky doll. And I think Miley Cyrus and Clay Aiken both look like the Chucky doll.
*I have experienced ghosts
*I started shaving my legs at the age of 7 and stopped dying my hair at the age of 15.
*I ended up not drinking for my 21st birthday.. Even though I totaly planned to.
*I know the ancient secret technique to curing hiccups.
*My ears hurt when its completely silent. I have to have some noice at all times or I feel like my head will explode.
*I cant sleep without a radio or tv or SOMETHING.
*I flirt with EVERYONE! Even though I an NOT attracted to them.. it just happens
-I love to travel, but can't stand to be away from home.
-I've been in and out of college for the past 15 years. Have finally become a senior (AGAIN) as I claimed Academic Renewal and rid myself of 120ish credit hours from my first few times and I STILL don't have a degree yet!
-I used to have a deathly fear of needles - but now I'm in nursing school giving shots on almost a daily basis.
-I used to have a queasiness feeling whenever I would see blood - but now I'm in nursing school seeing bloody stuff and neato surgeries on almost a daily basis. Cool stuff!
-I don't like to make decisions that "close a door."
-Death of anyone really upsets me. I think about the family of the deceased and how much they will not know because of the death of the deceased.
-I often ponder the reason for human existence.
-I often wonder what the world will be like 1,000 years from now.
-I am probably one of the most organized people you'll ever meet, but you wouldn't know it by looking around my house - it's a total disaster. And yes, I've been diagnosed with OCD - this is a result of that.
-I can do darn near anything a typical man can do around the house. (rewire light fixtures; hang ceiling fans; run electrical circuits; fix leaky toilets; change out faulty light switches; hang garage doors and openers; move furniture; use a drill, hammer, saw, screwdriver, etc) - I rarely call someone to help me with these things.
-I talk in my sleep! (I will remember talking in my sleep when I wake up, but I will have no recollection as to what I was talking about or to whom I was talking to.)
-I HAVE to put my left shoe on before my right one. Don't ask me why, I don't know.
-And speaking of shoes, I can't STAND thong flip flops!
Figured I'd do this seeing as it's 2:16AM & I'm not tired!

- I have arthritis in both wrists & my right hand at 20
- I HAVE to put my right shoe on first. If I can't find my right shoe I won't put the left on until the right is found & on.
- I like needles and blood and all that medical junk. When I was younger I used to enjoy getting my shots & never cried (my mom says even as a baby).
- I have a song to remind me of every person and every event. Music plays a big part in my life.
- With that said, I ruined my hearing at a concert this past summer. I can't hear very low (bass guitars esp) or very high frequencies (whistles, small dog yips, etc) in my left ear and it's always ringing. I can't stand it to ever be completely quiet because it drives me mad.
- I have a ridiculous phobia of aliens, alien invasions, and alien abductions. There is no real reason or experience for my fear but I have had it for as long as I can remember. Instead of thinking some scary man is following me in a dark alley I think "ALIEN!" and will run.
- I can't pee in public bathrooms if the bathroom isn't completely empty. My family calls me "potty shy" *is embarrassed*
- I have a benign tumor under my right lower eyelid. Sometimes it causes my vision to go blurry but I was told it is more of a risk to remove it than it is to leave it!
- I have been in 6 car accidents. 3 of them minor & three of them major, only one being my fault. All of them have been in a white ford. I will NEVER buy a white car or a ford again.
- I'm probably the safest driver ever due to those accident even though I drive faster than most people do.

Hmmmm that is all I can think of!
Oh-oh Melissa! Here I have 8 chins and only one of them, Bobo, does not have a human name! Well that's all right I know you still like me! And I can do acrylics on both my hands as well, only I don't do them anymore and instead embrace my shorter real but working nails!

And Amanda--I hate flip flops too!
- I love grilled cheese
- I get annoyed easy
- I can't got a day without drinking at least 6 caffeine drinks a day. *get massive headaches*
- I'm detest alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes.
- I honestly believe I was adopted (LOL)
- 99.9% of the time I'm wearing a hoodie or jacket *even in the summer*
- I love cheesy rice and sugar cookies
- I've wanted to be a vet tech. since I was 5.
- I get along with guys much more than girls
- I love candles
- I love wolves and deer. (My room is decorated in both.)
- I've had a pet squirrel
- I like to hide at random corners of the house and scare people
- I hate doing dishes but hate the spoons, folks, etc the most
- my laundry all has to be washed together with no one else or I wont wear it. (IDK why)
- I've never had a broken bone.
- I've been in more ATV accidents than I can count on my fingers and toes as well as the fingers and toes of the other 4 people who live here. (all within one year)
- I've had 2 surgeries my whole life
- I've never been to the beach
- I hate fishing
- I love junk food and eat all the time but you can't tell it.
- I love taking pictures of road signs
- I love to sleep during the day and stay up all night when no one else is up
- Scared of spiders
- in the summer I don't ever wear shoes
- I love socks and randomly buy them with designs on them because I want them
- I hate school but don't want to graduate.
- I have to talk to my best friend everyday or my day seems to be...wrong lol idk
- I have to sleep with some kinda of noise (fan, radio, etc.) and I have to sleep under at least 3 covers.
- I love pillows.

Last one for the night lol *I'll be back with more later*

- I'm deathly afraid of needles. (Had to have an IV when I had my wisdom teeth cut out last month...the nurse put the IV in after that I remember waking up with 2 nurses over me. On oxygen and a heart monitor. I passed out or something and my heart rate and oxygen level both dropped drastically at the same time, but I don't remember nothing about it. Was told about it)
--I talk in my sleep! (I will remember talking in my sleep when I wake up, but I will have no recollection as to what I was talking about or to whom I was talking to.)

OMG I do that too! I was sleeping on the couch one time and I was talking in my sleep and my mom(in real life) was like "Mel? Aer you talking to me" and I responded "Hold on Jennifer, MOM! Im talking to my DREAM FRIEND." And went back to my conversation with Jennifer. BTW I didnt know a Jennifer at the time. And I do remember me responding to mom. She didnt have to tell me.

Oh I wanted to add one!

*I have credits to my dreams. Like when watching a movie or tv show and they show who played what.. Yea those.. I have them in my dreams. I can never read what they say but I see them there. And every now and then Ill get a theme song in the beginning..
lets see....
* I have the worse OCD in the world..if you have seen the show Monk. That is honestally my everyday.
**examples...i work at kinkos and have my own keyboard. ((germs)) everything i eat goes on different plates.. and wipes are very important in everyday life.
*i have two hedgehogs who can not be in the same room or they will not run at night.
*I was accepted into music school but quit because my ex-boyfriend told me i was a loser.
*I am afraid of pools, lakes, etc. :cant swim..but live on lake superior
*pickles are one of my favorite foods
*anything hot/spicy/or sour i love
*like i said i have the worse ocd but i can not match..i like wearing green and purple, stripes and poka dots..etc.

that is all i will bore you with. :)
- I love grilled cheese
- I get annoyed easy
- I can't got a day without drinking at least 6 caffeine drinks a day. *get massive headaches*
- I'm detest alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes.
- I honestly believe I was adopted (LOL)
- 99.9% of the time I'm wearing a hoodie or jacket *even in the summer*
- I love cheesy rice and sugar cookies
- I've wanted to be a vet tech. since I was 5.
- I get along with guys much more than girls
- I love candles
- I love wolves and deer. (My room is decorated in both.)
- I've had a pet squirrel
- I like to hide at random corners of the house and scare people
- I hate doing dishes but hate the spoons, folks, etc the most
- my laundry all has to be washed together with no one else or I wont wear it. (IDK why)
- I've never had a broken bone.
- I've been in more ATV accidents than I can count on my fingers and toes as well as the fingers and toes of the other 4 people who live here. (all within one year)
- I've had 2 surgeries my whole life
- I've never been to the beach
- I hate fishing
- I love junk food and eat all the time but you can't tell it.
- I love taking pictures of road signs
- I love to sleep during the day and stay up all night when no one else is up
- Scared of spiders
- in the summer I don't ever wear shoes
- I love socks and randomly buy them with designs on them because I want them
- I hate school but don't want to graduate.
- I have to talk to my best friend everyday or my day seems to be...wrong lol idk
- I have to sleep with some kinda of noise (fan, radio, etc.) and I have to sleep under at least 3 covers.
- I love pillows.

Last one for the night lol *I'll be back with more later*

- I'm deathly afraid of needles. (Had to have an IV when I had my wisdom teeth cut out last month...the nurse put the IV in after that I remember waking up with 2 nurses over me. On oxygen and a heart monitor. I passed out or something and my heart rate and oxygen level both dropped drastically at the same time, but I don't remember nothing about it. Was told about it)

Another thing that I thought of...

- I'm allergic to lavender. *yes the fragrance* No matter whats is in. Perfume, Lotion, Laundry Detergent, Shower Gel, etc.

^ I only remembered that because my mother washed my cloths, towels, and wash cloths in Lavender Laundry Detergent and now I'm itching like crazy. I changed clothes and have to rewash all my school clothes but its on the towels too and I took a shower. Grr...
ok legs crossed that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen :S

Oddly enough I've never had an

I can also pee standing up....was very hard to learn to do well, so that is where disasters have really happened :wacko: