Young chin with strange behavior!

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Just ChinChilling
May 29, 2011
Chico, CA
I have a 6 week old female chin who is holding her head tilted to the side and is running around off balance. She was born to my male and female and has not been exposed to any chins outside of our brood. Her brother shows no signs of illness and I haven't noticed any other symptoms. Her neck muscles feel like they're in spasm, all stiff. I can't get her to a vet right now. Does anyone have any ideas what this could be?

Worried sick!!
She needs to see a vet immediately. Head tilt in an adult is incredibly hard to treat, in a baby it's going to be worse, and the longer you let it go the harder she will be to save. Head tilt can be from an ear infection, a neurological issue, or an injury from being jumped on or attacked. Nobody here can help you with this - she needs a vet.
The quicker the chin gets to a vet to start treatment the better the chance of a favorable outcome, if you wait the chin could die or have permanent damage.
That does not mean the chin does not need a vet, if the chin has head tilt and is off balance the issue in in the head area and you will not be able to self vet this, wait and you will make matters worse, there is no one on the forum here that will make you chin well again and we do not replace vets.
There is a vet right there in Chico that sees chins. He neutered our chin, guinea pig and rabbit. So far I have been pleased with him.