Yahoo answers

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Ok I know some of you are there already (Tunes, JmDeb...) and that a number of people have been recruited from there. I guess I was just looking to start a thread to discuss some of the questions we find there and maybe post when one of our answers comes up for voting. Help get the right information to those asking and not just what they wanted to hear. And maybe find the right people to answer questions when we can't.:thumbsup:

PS. sorry if this is in the wrong area I had no idea where it should go.
Yahoo is a scary, scary place. I can't believe some of the questions that get asked on there, and the answers are horrifying. Some child breeding their chins asked yesterday if she has to separate the babies from the mom and buy them special food because she has no idea how a mom chin feeds her babies. That was one of the tame ones. The ones where the chins are in horrible distress are worse. I've had nightmares over the treatment those chins don't receive.

There seems to be quite a few of us there, Starleomach, Claire D, Kalandra, Care, and a few others are answering questions there as well.

Whatever you do (not you Sarah, but any others that might go there) if you answer a question, please put a link to CnH from there. I keep hoping people will come here instead and get good, accurate information instead of the scary, stupid stuff they get on Yahoo answers.
There are definitely a few of us on there. Some of the questions for both chins & hedgies are truly frightening. But I've also seen answers that are dangerous, and some of those I think the person answering was really trying to answer and not a troll. I've answered a few lately that people posted this must be a troll, I answered anyway and saw the person show up on hedgehog central or on here later asking again (keep in mind I'm a hedgehog person). I only hope that it was my answer that showed them a better place to learn about these wonderful animals.

By all means if you see Kalandra answering, its me, I rarely answer a chin post, but would gladly take a thumbs up or a vote when do see me :).
I try to send hedgie people here too. I know nothing about hedgies but I know the hedgie people here are awesome, like you. And if I see you I will vote for you.

I go by simply S there. You can always tell it me because I post a link to here. Like Tunes said its horrifying there. People saying you have to get the death balls, that chins can't breed untill they are 3 yrs old. Feed them lots of fresh fruits and veggies, you don't need to feed hay...:hair:
I was recruited here from Y!A and my chins are so much healthier since then. I would have never even dreamed of bringing in/rescuing another chin until I found this site. I love it. As for the people who are telling others things, they are learning crap from pet stores. In this thread told someone about my experience with pet stores. It all makes since once you read it and then look at Y!A. The pet stores really don’t know what they are talking about
;) It's all Peggy's fault - I have a "love, hate" relationship with YA. Some of the utter garbage and misinformation I hate but some of the good stuff is very, very good.

Yahoo is a scary, scary place. I can't believe some of the questions that get asked on there, and the answers are horrifying.
I must admit I am sometimes stunned by the stupidity I see on YA - in both questions and answers. "Scary" sums it up quite well. :wacko:

I think one of the biggest problems with YA is that people can go back and edit their answers without consequence or time limit until the "best answer" is voted for - one classic example is a young (obnoxious) girl who goes around parroting information like she knows what she is talking about and basically edits her info to match the actually knowledgeable people - just so she gets the "best answer" and does not look like the idiot she really is. :duh:
One can only hope that in parroting proper answers, she is taking a little of it on board herself (that's my positive side talking).

It also never ceases to amaze me how much misinformation or dangerous information people will believe and take as gospel. :rolleyes:

I always add links to here in the hope that people will come here looking for good advice, support, and information .................

To those who want to try going on YA to see what it's like or to try and answer questions - be afraid, be very afraid. It will suck you in and eat your soul :rofl:
Yes, you can edit them right up until the time the voting starts.
TBH it can be useful at times - for instance, if the original question gets added to (some important aspect they had missed out perhaps) so that you can address that point but it can also be a complete PIA.
The worst part for me is that there is absolutely zero supervision. The only time the powers that be pay attention is if someone reports a spam or someone attacking someone, and then only if two more people report it. So people go on there and read these answers thinking it's Gospel.
Ok so I just went thourgh and found a bunch of you and voted for I believe your answers. Tunes I know I voted right on yours becuase the answers just sound like you and the trade mark experience thing. Kudos.
I saw you connected with me. I'm so original too. On here I'm Tunes, on there I'm Tuneses.

But only because some butthead got my name. :('ve always been tunes to me... :)

Sorry someone got your name. Can you imagine me contacting this person thinking it is you? That person would be horrified! :) hehehehe

Things get scary when you know WAYYYYYYYYY too much about people, don't they? LOL You know too much about me...shhhh...don't tell anyone or they will really know how incredibly boring I am.
I did that here Susan! This poor girl joined as Nikki and I thought it was MY Nikki, so I contacted her after we first started up and was all "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" The poor giurl was probably terrified. My Nikki is Dragonflye and I made a boo-boo. I apologized profusely for being a stalker and I promised her I wouldn't verbally assault her again via pm.

She very graciously accepted my apology, even though I'm sure she was dialing 911 with one hand while she typed with the other.
That is hilarious! OMG. Do you know how many times I have confused people with other people? Yeah, you probably were there for most of that. :)

Peggy, the stalker.

The funny thing is when you talk to them because you think they know them and they respond just thinking you're very friendly. I've gotten emails like that a few really is strange after a couple emails. Wait, you aren't who I thought you were! :)

LOL Claire...isn't Peggy the scariest in PMs? LOL I don't know why that makes me laugh, but it does!
She's not stalking us, is she? Nawwww...she just spends too much time on the forum....or that's what she says....

I could tell you..........but then I'd have to kill you.
i was recruited from yahoo! answers. i think it was actually peggy who answered my question.

ever since then, i'll browse the answers and thumbs up all the people who post links to CnH. and every so often i'll answer a few and even get "best answer" every now and then!

but so many of the questions are a bit scary. many young kids asking questions about putting their chins in a hutch outside or buying them for their 13 year old friend as a birthday pet. im not as experienced as everyone here but i do know that a link to this forum is the best step in the right direction.