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<3 BIG and Blocky <3
Jan 30, 2009
North Carolina / Virginia Border
Finally! I've been waiting for some violet carriers and I was blessed with three violet carrier males to hold back for my violet females. Do you know how hard it is to find a quality violet carrier male? Phew, I've been searching for almost a year! Born last night around 8-10pm. Weights were great 50g, 51g and 53g. Out of a 1st Place Nationals and SEC pure standard male with full Shoots background bred by 4 J's Plantation and a two time 1st place violet female bred by Shelli Plesser. Meet Lance, Oliver and Marius.




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Beautiful!!! Looks like the first one may have some ebony, too!!
Yes, it's hard to find quality v/c's - I've got a couple, but they're all related!
Always looking!
No, I don't mix ebony with my violet lines. I'm not into violet wraps - just not my thing. There's nothing like a nice violet with a bright white belly. It's just the picture I guess, as all three have white bellies.
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Beautiful!!! Looks like the first one may have some ebony, too!!
I thought this too when I saw the first picture. One of them definitely has much darker limbs and sides than the others. I'd take him!
He does have darker limbs, which is a bit odd. The sire is a extra dark standard, but as mentioned, theres no ebony whatsoever from both lines that I can see unless it's 3 generations back from Danko animals. Who has a clue when it comes to his lines. I'm gonna keep an eye on him to see if he changes in color and definitely keep an eye on his belly. A dirty or eb belly is a major turn off for me!
Well... I'm confused by the little guy with the darker limbs. He does have a dirty belly compared to the other two brothers. Their bellies are very white for violet carriers, whereas he seems to have some eb in him (which I bet is coming from 4-5 generations back from Danko lines). He's looking nice for his age, but I don't think I'd ever use him because of his belly.




Cool, looks like the random eb throwback there. :D Can't always blame Danko though, it's well known that dang near every rancher put eb into their lines to try and darken the top "back in the day".
Right, and I kept asking myself - where the heck is the eb coming from?! Figured it had to be far back in the line. I guess this little guy could work in a wrap line, but I'm not breeding wraps.
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I just put two nice v/c males into breeding because they did not sell. I have one more listed now that everyday I wonder why I do not use him but I can not use them all. I would be very cautious with the other two from that litter if the one has that much of a belly problem.
Can't always blame Danko though, it's well known that dang near every rancher put eb into their lines to try and darken the top "back in the day".

Back in the day with anyone else, maybe. But with Danko it's a given that the lines are totally screwed up. His idea of breeding was like 52 pick up. Throw the chins in the air and wherever they landed that was their mate. Didn't matter if it was the mother and son, brother and sister. Kept no records, had no clue, and was glad to brag on it to anybody that would listen. I'd guess that eb is a little closer to the surface than back in the day, due to where the female came from.
I just put two nice v/c males into breeding because they did not sell. I have one more listed now that everyday I wonder why I do not use him but I can not use them all. I would be very cautious with the other two from that litter if the one has that much of a belly problem.

I will be. The reason I put the standard in with my violet was to attempt to get a nice v/c male because I've had a hard time finding one that I like to put in with my violet females. I was so surprised when someone pointed out the darker limbs because I make sure to double check for eb in my lines before purchasing an animal. Of course you can't always know if a certain animal's lines aren't given, and even if they are there is no certain. My violet has a nice white belly (in fact, she's the violet female that's on the cover of the calendar) and her parents haven't produced any type of eb in the past. She's placed a 1st twice. The Danko animal in her line is a Nationals Reserve CC violet, so it's not like she's from crappy lines. The standard is from all Shoots lines and he has a nice white belly also, he's also placed 1st twice, including Nationals. I went ahead and split up the pairing, but I plan to keep the two brothers to see how they turn out and I hope to keep the best. I'm hoping that this girl doesn't throw a dirty bellied animal again, but I know what to look out for now.
Th problem is that the two with the white bellies also probably carry the ebony gene. That could show up next generation or sometime down the line. Ebony has messed up a lot of good lines in violets and all of the other colors as well.
I figured that would be possible, but the question is, should all three be culled? Should the dam with the eb gene also be culled? I planned to put her with a different mate now that I have a v/c male, but I don't want to produce more eb bellies.
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I would try the violet female with another male to make sure she has the problem in her lines. The only problem being it may not show up again until you already have others from the line in breeding. It will be something that will need to be kept track of to make sure it does not destroy the line you want to be eb free. I have had many white bellied violets out of violet wrap and eb/v/c combinations. The eb gene is a real crazy unpredictable gene to work with or to try to stay away from.
Its the 3 amigos....lol...congrats on them anyway. Hope they turn out to be what you want