X ray help

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2009
Southern/Central New Jersey
Is there anyone on here who looks at X rays a lot or who is able to tell "slight root elongation" from x rays?
We had a chin here who had spurs on her back teeth, well more like they were all growing in wrong and the top teeth ground down to nothing. She had surgery and her one eye is looking a little better and she was taking CC with two pain meds cause she was a mess afterward. Suddenly she has stopped willingly eating it and its a battle to feed her. She won't take an oat, won't take a shreddie ( just to see if she would ) although she did take a quarter piece of dandelion drop ( we don't feed them but her previous owner did and she was used to them so we tried just to see if she would )
Vet thought maybe she was in stasis although we knew she wasn't ( pooping normally )and wanted her in asap, so against our wanting to we did. She didn't have stasis like we thought, she had a tiny bit of gas in the tummy from force feeding but not anything to worry about. We got cisapride as a precautionary and mix a little simethicone in the CC. She eats about 8-12 CCs every 2 hours but is now cut back to every three hours to see if she if she will get hungry enough to eat on her own. She takes it a bit more willingly but then fights again. The vet both times didn't do an x ray of her skull to check for root elongation. Took an x ray of her stomach but not her skull! Lets just say we are not pleased with this vet in general right now at all for many reasons.
I cut out the second pain killer thinking maybe its bothering her, and she is on just metacam. I took her up to Meg real quick and we did some half *** x rays just to get a sneak to see if there is any root enlongation. The x ray machine there is old though so we didn't want to. Only 1 x ray came out the other 2 didn't take for some reason and she was popping up fast. We didn't want to put her back under to take another.
Comparing this X ray to "Normal" and "malo" pics on chin sites she looks pretty normal, but Meg isn't too sure and said it could be slight but she wants other experienced people to look and see.
Right now the specialist we use is unreachable or we would just send it to him. I have a picture of it and will take another today to try to get a better quality , its a bit blurred but not tooo bad.
If there is anyone who is very good at reading malo x rays could you please let me know so I can send the pic? I can't upload from here, but when I hget home I can send it or upload it here.