I heart Leonard
Jeanette asked what had happened in this situation so I thought I would update. My supervirsor decided not to talk to her at this time. Which made me happy as I didnt' feel like having animosity between us. In the meantime he asked me to keep him updated. I worked with her 3 days last week and all three days she fell asleep and I logged each occurrence. I'm not really sure what I will do with this information. She has actually turned out to be a royal ****** and I'm thinking it's in my best interest to go into work on those 2 or 3 days I have with her each week and really say nothing, just keep to task and do my job. Which is rather sad as my previous 3rd shift partners were awesome and fun to work with. At least I'll have Bruce 6.5 hours out of each of those days! He's great to work with!