Would litter training be possible?

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My hedgehog is about 7 months old now. I have been using aspen bedding in her cage up to this point. When I first learned about the possibility of a cage liner, I did not have a working washer and dryer, so I continued to use the bedding. But now that I do have a washer, I am interested in using a liner, since I have heard how much better they are.
I have read that it is best to litter train them ASAP.

Would it be too late to litter train her?
My hedgie is two years old (nearly) and I litter trained her last week over the course of five days.

It's possible.
Ok, well I think it is worth a try at least.

I see many people with litter pans in front of their wheels. I like that idea, so I am just wondering- where do you get these pans?
The only ones I find at the pet store are for the corner of a cage, which I could always use.
I have another question to add--Whats the most efficient way to litter train? Scooping waste into his litter dish didn't work for him, what are some other ways?
I'd like to know where to get a small, shallow litter pan as well.

I've heard of some folks using a cookie sheet. I'm considering just using that.

Little Bear (1yr old) doesn't really seem to be all that interested in being litter-trained, either. It was nigh-impossible to get him to use his litter box (when we were using it with a different wheel). I've got some higher hopes with his new wheel (a mesh wheel) - he seems to be a little more consistent about where he poos with this new wheel. Also, with its free-standing base and mesh running surface, I think he might actually feel there's a reason to hang his little tush off the side now instead of a more despairing "what's the point" attitude he may have had earlier with his solid wheel. But maybe I'm projecting my own logic processes onto him.
I just use a tin cookie sheet from the Dollar Store under the wheels. Each of the hogs took to it surprisingly well, even my rescue who was older when I got her.
I use a wonder bread sandwich holder as a litter box.
It is the little hard plastic container that will hold a single sandwich so it is shallow enough for Pepper to climb into and do his business and it helps with keeping the litter in the litter box.
He still has accidents and I cant seem to fully potty train him, but he tries to use the box some.