Would like some help in picking between dog food brands

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People DO NOT FEED YOUR ANIMALS ANYTHING THAT HAS BYPRODUCTS ON IT. It can be feathers, bones, hide, ect. It is NOT meat and is almost always listed as the second or third ingredient.

Byproducts, by law, do not include things like feathers, bones and hides. By definition, byproducts include organ meats. That is, not bad for dogs (or cats).

And btw, current research shows that most diabetic cats do better on a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. There are many OTC diets that can accomplish this, as well as a couple prescription diets. There are, however, a number of conditions for which OTC diets are not the best option.

(I'm mostly trying to stay out of the "which food is better" part of this thread and just trying to prevent too much perpetuation of the pet food myths.)
Are you having issues with the Nutro? I have fed that to my dogs for years and I love it. I have switched to the Max version to save a few dollars since I buy in bulk but like it just the same. The lady at petsmart tried to sell me on the Blue Buffalo but I just can't justify the cost with four dogs now. If you are looking for a supplement I used the Missing Link supplement when the dogs were younger. I remember being impressed with their coats when I used it...I also would not feed Diamond...the ratios are not good compared to Nutro and I have to watch ratios of fat and protein with my boxers.
Thanks for the opinions everyone... I actually got a sample from the pet store of the #1 the other day, the Blue with Lifesource Bits food.... and Kailey seems to like it (not like she's picky, but you never know)...

I'm not really having problems with Nutro, not really. Kailey burps and has gas, and my vet says that that she might do better on a different food, because the vet says that sometimes, burping and having gas can come from like a food not agreeing well with the dog. I mean it's not like a huge problem, she's not constantly burping and having gas, but I do notice it. Other than that though, she eats the Nutro with no problem.

The main reason I wanted to switch (completely disregarding the burping/gas) is because I had just always heard that there were other brands (Wellness, Blue, Innova, and so on) that were more high quality dog food...and I've read that dog foods that have more protein and less junk in them--the dogs eating the better ones lead longer, healthier lives, and I want my dog to have one of the best (within reason, I'm not gonna start shipping in food...) foods because I'd like her to lead a longer, healthier life, and if that costs more, well that's just the cost of a healthy dog...
As far as the burpy/gassiness - your vet is right. I've talked to a veterinary nutritionist - who feeds the food he does not because he thinks it's "better," but because his dog isn't gassy on it. lol.

As for the longer, healthier life part... I think the jury's still out. Many of these brands probably haven't been out long enough for us to really be able to say, and stories from people with pets is probably not really the best source of information anyway (in the sense that we don't know if that's the only factor in the dog's health and longevity - the Purina study was nice because all the dogs were housed and exercised similarly, just on different amounts of food).

The most important things, IMO, are to keep the dog lean and fit (just like people! heh). The Purina study showed that the dogs kept on the lean side, as opposed to the dogs who were kept a little overweight, lived longer, visually aged slower, had fewer health problems (and the problems they had developed later in life) and had way fewer issues with arthritis and the like. This was a life-long study (I believe 14 years) comparing paired littermates fed different amounts of food.
Yes, I second keeping them lean and fit for sure! Both of my dogs are kept thinner than most of the rest of my family keeps their dogs and mine have been far healthier already at 11 and 7 years of age, they have aged much slower and my oldest is only just starting to develop arthritis.
Something interesting on Chicken... I have a dog with very sensative stomach issues. I've had him two years now, and we've tried many different dog foods. Picking up Taste of The Wild tomorrow in the hopes that it will offer him some releif. Does well on a food for a few months, then he starts getting an upset tummy, licking/biting his paws, and his tummy breaks out.

One of the things he did BEST on was a raw diet, consisting mainly of chicken products (Wings, legs, organs etc). I'd love to put him completely on a raw diet, but right now I do not have the time it needs to insure a well balanced meat vs bone ratio. Just takes way too much time to measure/prepare/etc everything...but when I am finished with school and things slow down a bit- I'd love to get him back on a raw diet.

I will also add that my sister refuses to use anything but Dog Chow... She lost a 16/almost 17 year old shelter dog she got at 6 months, who was fed grocery store/dog chow for her entire life. Was healthy until her final months (She was a collie/shep/lab mix..not a huge dog, not a small dog). She currently has an 11 year old weimeraner who is doing wonderful on Dog Chow.... So for some people the cheap foods work..Though I prefer NOT to feed them... My greyhound just started to refuse to eat the good dog food she was on, but will gobble down Purina One in her old age...When she was younger she would eat anything and everything..but now just wants her Purina One.
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Just to let you know Costco brand Kirkland is made by Diamond and is actually the same food only cheaper.
Switched to Orijen this summer and love love love it. Much less gas in my dobes, much better stools, and my 3 year old is maintaining his weight much more easily. If I had that dog's metabolism goodness the fun I could have with food!!! I really like the Evo too, so reading up on the benefits of rotating Evo & Orijen every 6 months. If there is one thing I can count on while researching, its controversy!

As far as raw, the boys like their medallions by Nature's Variety, and I don't have to deal with the mess. I keep a bag in the freezer. They get them in addition to the dry kibble in the evenings.