Worrying about a chin...

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Pro Cage Cleaner Champion
May 18, 2009
Sahuarita, Arizona (a half hour south of Tucson)
Tonight one of the chin people, who I know very well, up in Phoenix called. Her little chin isn't doing so great. She's acting not at all like herself, she won't take a treat, she's a little lethargic, small droppings and she hasn't been eating since yesterday sometime.

We couldn't find a vet that would see her. In all of Phoenix no vets were available on Labor Day to see a chin. All the emergency places didn't have a vet willing to see chinchillas. It was like a bad dream. The Phoenix area has millions upon millions of people...it's a huge metropolitan area. On this day, there is not one vet, who can help?

She's feeding simethicone and Life Line every few hours now. The chin has to make it until sometime in the morning when a vet can be found, I guess. I don't even know when that would be.

I am worried and feeling completely unable to help. Normally I can track down an emergency vet...this is actually pretty odd. Holidays make it very difficult...during a normal night it wouldn't be so hard to find a vet.

Please send good vibes to Pippin in Phoenix. She needs to hang in there until the morning or until someone calls back with a vet willing to help out.

I am going to try to get some sleep, but I worry about the chin and her human! We did what we can, but without a vet and a good diagnosis there's so little I can advise her to do with being so far away.

This really stinks... :(
We're praying for pippin and her owner! My Pomeranian is at the Emergency Vet right now with Hemorrhagic GastroEnteritis . We were lucky to find a vet also. I hope you can get some sleep, worrying won't help any at all. Like I said, we're praying for her, hope she can hang in there!
I didn't sleep well at all last night. :(

I heard back from the lady. Pippin made it through the night and is at the vet. They don't know what is wrong with her. It doesn't appear to be a digestive issue and they are going to look her over more. I'm just hoping that they can figure it out and treat it. At the very least she's at the vet now...I guess she's been there since before they opened. Keep your fingers crossed...
:crossfingers: hope everything turns out alright. at least shes at a vet so the chinchilla has a better chance now. keep us updated.
I just got off the phone with the girl. The vet did xrays and they see a lot of gas in the intestines. I'm so glad that she started giving Life Line and simethicone last night!

I guess she's going to have to give the chin some Critical Care and, I think, Reglan on top of what she's doing already. Hopefully the chin will be alright!
CC is better for bloat issues since it is high fiber, don't forget to tell her about the massages and exercise also!
is it the upper or lower GI tract with issues? there is a drug that works when Reglan doesnt I believe it is cisapride (sp?) and make sure he stays well hydrated if he doesn't have enough fluids things will not move along
This happened to me this year on New Years day - I called and called and called - only vets in would not see a chin...I suspected pyometra so luckily I was able to frantically get a vet to call in some baytril after speaking to me on the phone. She made it to the vet and was fine (kept on the baytril and given calcium suspension for deficiency).

Scary feeling - she was basically limp in my hands when I started calling.