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I bought my girl Google on the 10th of Apr recently, the place where she came from, the breeder mixed all males and females including pregnant females all together in one place. My major concern now is WHAT IF Google is pregnant??
Plus we are not sure how old is she now, probably 5month or less (that is what the breeder told us). What should I do if my baby is pregnant? Yesterday we noticed that her nipples look a bit 'stand out' this morning we saw her licking her nipples. We noticed that she's gaining weight too but we are not sure is it because of she ate a lot or because she is pregnant. IF she is pregnant?

What should I do?
Do I have to have a place like a big igloo or nesting for her?
How bout her food?
Can I change her bedding?
Should we take out her wheel??
What is the DO's & Dont's of she is pregnant?

Im really worried and concern cause Im still really new in this.. and I want the best for my baby, really wish nothing bad will happen to her..
Lee...she has a hedgehog, not a chinchilla.

Christy...I don't personally own a hedgehog but have you tried using the search function to find what you are looking for?

They are supposed to eat kitten food though I don't know what kind of brands or wet or dry. Someone with a lot more hedgie knowledge will be on soon to answer your questions. Good luck and I hope your little lady isn't pregnant!
yea after being advice by Melissa regarding food for my baby at last google is eating her cat food but i have to add a bit water to make it soft and she love it, wanted to know if my baby is pregnant is there any special diet for her..
Yea i know i changed my post quickly i forgot its a chin and hedgie forum since the hedgie section isnt active... But my post should now just steer her towards the breeding and babies faqs... As long as my edit worked
What type of cage do you have her in? Large sterlite bins are the best for a mom and baby. You will also need to use some type of bedding such as Carefresh or kiln dried pine or aspen shavings. When you clean her from now on, only clean half the cage at a time. You can also spot clean.

You'll want a nest box. What I use is a dark coloured sterlite bin that is about 12" x 9". Cut a 4" hole in the side of the bin but put the hole up about 1.5" from the bottom of the bin. This helps keep babies inside. Give mom some toilet paper as bedding.

Most breeders mix a bit of Royal Canin Baby Cat into the moms mix. Baby Cat is an easy food for babies to wean onto and gives mom a higher fat food that they need for nursing.

She shouldn't have the wheel when babies arrive and unfortunately not knowing when babies could arrive means you really should leave the wheel out.

I always had my moms on a routine of evening and morning fresh food, water and spot cage cleaning. This got them used to me doing it. If she likes bugs or a certain treat, give her a bit every evening. Getting mom to come out for a treat is great once babies arrive because it give you a chance to peek while mom is out.

If you have a nursery monitor, they are great for listening in on mom and new babies.

Do you have a vet? If not, find one or better yet a couple just so you know who to call if there is an emergency.

Assume she is pregnant and treat her as such for the next 35-40 days. Be extra gentle when you handle her especially her tummy. Pregnant girls get butt heavy. Keep track of her food intake. Often they won't eat much if anything the day before they deliver. When they are in labour they get really restless and pace.
Ok, today after work I will take out her wheel just assume that she is pregnant now. Im worried sick and nervous at the same time. Thanks nancy that really helps! Im using a cage which is half wired and half solid ( dont know how to xplain) but the bottom half is not wire..
I assume the bottom half is plastic? If so, how high are the sides? If it is a metal bottom, she needs to go in something different and a large clear bin is the easiest.
new update on google's weight

19th Apr 2010: 200g
21st Apr 2010: 300g
bottom plastic is 3 inch hight (if am not mistaken), as you can see i just bought a box for her nest and took out her wheel (pic attached)

That isn't deep enough to be baby safe. Go to Walmart or someplace that sells clear bins and get one roughly 19" x 30" x 15+" tall. That is the safest for mom and babies.

100g in two days is a HUGE weight gain even if she is growing and pregnant both. Not impossible though. What type of scale do you have? Is it digital?

Is that box cardboard or wood? If so, it will be yucky and stink real fast. What size are those holes in the side. They don't look big enough for her to fit through but enough to get stuck in.

Can you post some pictures of her please.
We dont have walmart here, plus it is very hard to find a good quality bins here.. the holes on the box is only for her 'window', actually we made her a door on the other side.. Nancy Im so worried now, she seems to be so tired..laying around..she walks very slow..she looks like she is restless..is there any possibilities that she will give birth outside of the nest box?
we just took her pic just now, normally she loves it if we let her out of her cage, but today, she just stay at one place and wont move..am so worried now :(




Hard to tell from the pictures if she is pregnant. Some of them look it, but she doesn't.

Someplace must sell bins. Where do you live. Maybe someone knows where you can get them.
actually there's another pic i havent upload..will upload it later after work, Im actually from malaysia. since last nite till this morning she is most of the time in her nest box and we notice she didnt eat much of her food..
my grl hedgie has been the same way just sitting in the nest box and hasnt eaten much and has not been active at all just 2 go 2 the food bowl and then back 2 the nesting box
OMG!!! my girl just gave birth!! now wonder she's in the next box since last nite!! only saw one...hmmm...what shud i do now???!!!