Soooo..... I will hopefully be getting my first Chin in a couple days and I just want to make sure I got everything I need, and everything is safe to use.
Alrighty... So first is the cage; I have two options: the my first home for exotics, or the martins R-695. I haven't really heard too much about either for Chins... and I assume I would have to cover the floors of the martins(which isn't an issue... for my rats I have used linoleum in the past and fleece, but im not sure if either of those will be appropriate) I feel like such a N00b. haha.
Secondly... the food.. I can look at ingredients and such but i'm not sure what is fantastic and what is not. As far as I can tell the best I can easily acquire is Oxbow and Mazuri.... Which one of those would be best... and if both are bad- what is good and easily accessible? I've also bought the oxbow western timothy hay, dandelion treats, and a hanging herb treat.
Thirdly... the accessories.. I know chins shouldn't have plastic, but is a plastic dust house okay? If not I can get a ceramic one. I got Blue Cloud dust(is this okay?)... I got some pumice stones, apple wood chew blocks, ceramic food bowl and a glass water bottle. I got a wood house put together with wooden dowels....
Do chinchillas like hammocks?
And what are some examples of acceptable toys? I no there is to be nothing of rope strung things, but I am so terrified of buying the wrong ones.
Also.. the only wheels I can find with good ratings and no holes are the silent spinners and saucers... but they are plastic.. What is a good brand/type of an acceptable wheel?
Are Chinchillas super social animals.. I am planning on getting one, but if she will do better with a friend-a friend she will have.
And finally, what bedding do you guys prefer? I use fleece, recycled newspaper pellets, and aspen for my rats so I have that readily available all the time..
And just to ease worries the rats and chinchillas will never see each other and be in totally separate parts of the house.
I'm sorry for my novel, and thanks in advance for advice!
A very nervous mommy to be
Alrighty... So first is the cage; I have two options: the my first home for exotics, or the martins R-695. I haven't really heard too much about either for Chins... and I assume I would have to cover the floors of the martins(which isn't an issue... for my rats I have used linoleum in the past and fleece, but im not sure if either of those will be appropriate) I feel like such a N00b. haha.
Secondly... the food.. I can look at ingredients and such but i'm not sure what is fantastic and what is not. As far as I can tell the best I can easily acquire is Oxbow and Mazuri.... Which one of those would be best... and if both are bad- what is good and easily accessible? I've also bought the oxbow western timothy hay, dandelion treats, and a hanging herb treat.
Thirdly... the accessories.. I know chins shouldn't have plastic, but is a plastic dust house okay? If not I can get a ceramic one. I got Blue Cloud dust(is this okay?)... I got some pumice stones, apple wood chew blocks, ceramic food bowl and a glass water bottle. I got a wood house put together with wooden dowels....
Do chinchillas like hammocks?
And what are some examples of acceptable toys? I no there is to be nothing of rope strung things, but I am so terrified of buying the wrong ones.
Also.. the only wheels I can find with good ratings and no holes are the silent spinners and saucers... but they are plastic.. What is a good brand/type of an acceptable wheel?
Are Chinchillas super social animals.. I am planning on getting one, but if she will do better with a friend-a friend she will have.
And finally, what bedding do you guys prefer? I use fleece, recycled newspaper pellets, and aspen for my rats so I have that readily available all the time..
And just to ease worries the rats and chinchillas will never see each other and be in totally separate parts of the house.
I'm sorry for my novel, and thanks in advance for advice!
A very nervous mommy to be