Worried... Is she ok?

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I took out my chinchilla today and let her take a dustbath. When I was grabbing her, she made those little sqeauks that she always make, but she kept slipping through my hand backwards... I got her finally and let her take her dustbath. The same thing happened when I grabbed her to put her in her cage... She kept slipping backwards through my hands (she never fell cause she never left the ground). Now shes laying her cage on her chiller... looking depressed... Or mabey shes just hot... Im just worried since Im a new chin owner... Is she ok?
Is she just laying down like normal, or is she lethargic?

Did you scoop from underneath or grab from above? They don't usually like being grabbed from above. It just sounds like she didn't want to be picked up. Next time, trying putting the dust up to the cage door and letting her hop in on her own.
She seems a little better now... I will try letting her get in by herself next time. She doesn't seem lethargic, I think she was just laying on the chiller to cool down. Thanks!
Yeah, it sounds like she just didn't want to be bothered. Make sure that you scoop her up with both hands and always support her butt once you get a hold of her. They don't like to dangle. How new is she to you? She might still be a little uncomfortable with being handled by you, or she might just be one of those chins that don't like to be picked up. Try putting your hands in her cage and allow her to come to you. A couple of my more independent chins don't liked to be picked up, but will climb out onto my arms on their own. Sometimes when they're forced to do things they do get angry and pout for a little while. Just like a little kit.
She is only 3 weeks new to me... Almost 4-5 months in age.
What is the temperature in the room she is in? She could be too hot. Are her ears red? That tells you they are too hot.