I purchased my chinchilla Momo from a local pet store a little over three months ago. I weaned her off of her normal feed to Mazuri and she has been doing great. She recently got a growth on her ear which was treated with a topical solution. My dilemma comes when we bought our second chinchilla, Pooka, a week ago from Petsmart. She was apparently having diarrhea issues before we got her, but five days later, it worsened drastically. Initially she wouldn't eat anything but her own poo so we switched her to Timothy Complete. So far she has been eating normally but still has episodes of diarrhea. Our two chins only met once the day Pooka was purchased, but now Momo is having diarrhea problems as well. The only other factor that has been introduced was Kaytee Timothy Hay, which we started feeding to both chins a day or two before each got sick. Could that possibly be the culprit? They are both going to the vet tomorrow but we are pretty iffy about him - he seems detached and not very thorough... So we wanted to consult with people on the forum first.
Thank you
Leo (Momo) and Scarlett (Pooka)
Thank you
Leo (Momo) and Scarlett (Pooka)