Worried about my hedgie...

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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It's been awhile since I've been on here. Got married, just found out I'm pregnant, and lots of work work work!
Anyways, I am sitting here awake when I should be sleeping because I am worried about Hazel. She is rolled in a ball, not huffing (which is unusual for her), and barely making any sounds. I saw her nose for a moment and then she tucked it in and I haven't been able to see her face since. I have a space heater on in her room now and I set her down and it's been almost an hour and she has yet to move from where I put her. She is still rolled in a ball. I noticed she hadn't eaten much and I can't tell if she drank anything. She's been sick with respiratory issues before but I'm not sure if this is the same thing since she isn't making any noises. My husband is also going to pick up some wet cat food on the way home and try to feed her since she usually really likes that. We plan to take her to the vet tomorrow or the next day (depending on their hours) . Is there anything else I can do in the meantime?


Sound to me like she is too cool. Bump up the temperature a few degrees. Also, get her out and snuggle her under your clothes to warm her up. Feel her tummy to see if she's warm.

You can also use a human heating pad wrapped in a towel and set on low to warm her up. Make sure you have it and her on you so you can make sure it isn't too warm. You want her to warm up slowly. Never leave an unresponsive hedgehog on a heating pad. She should come around within about 40 minutes of warming and if not, she needs to see a vet.