Worried about little one

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2011
I"m worried about our little kit. He is not gaining but not loosing either. He is hovering around 68 to 69g. He fights us every feeding, I feel like he's using as much engergy fighting us as he is getting to eat. I'm using an eye dropper, I tried a syringe this am and that was worse. He's had 2 1/2 days fo hand feeding, am I expecting too much?
His bro on the other hand is doing great....he's gained 6oz since Mon morning. He eats like a rock star.
Any ideas to help my little one? or am I just not giving him enough time?
What goat's milk are you using and what all are you putting in the formula? Usually the only reason I've ever had a kit refuse milk is because they didn't like the particular formula I was using.

Have you tried offering them a dry mix yet? There is a dry formula by JAGS in the chin breeding and babies FAQ's. You can try that formula, but make sure you use powdered goat's milk.
I already suggested that in their other thread Tab. I also said as long as he isn't losing at this point to keep plugging away. You might try adding some more cereal to the formula. That has helped me with slow growers.
we swithced from canned goats milk to fresh goats milk. (the kind in the carton) and Oli loved is. Pepper liked it too!
we burrito him sometimes, he really wiggles out of it. He just gets flat out MAD and struggles the whole time. After we switched to the fresh milk today he did lots better on the first feed (he beat his bro getting done!), the second feed w/ it he did ok, not rock star but good and didn't struggle as much. I think like somene mentioned he just didn't like the other.

Hopefully we're on track. I'm sure we (the whole family) will have more freak outs and need help!!!!
Lay him on his back on the palm of your hand. Put your thumb and middle finger lightly around his cheeks and your pointer on the top of his head, effectively caging him in. I have no kits that have ever been able to get out of that hold.

BTW, the more you freak out, the more he will freak out. Just like dogs, horses, or any other animal - a human spazzing out around them constantly is just going to make them more nuts. Take a deep breath, calm down, and just feed him.
I was going through this same thing with Momma's male kit.
I wanted to just put him in a crazy jacket and feed him like that.
He went through a period of no gaining or losing..but 1-3 days after that he started gaining like a nut!

My mom ended up being the only one who could feed him the 1st 1-2 weeks! I still have no idea why he was only letting her do it.