Worried About Impaction

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Long story short, neighbor friend set the tray of chinnie supplies on top of the cage and didn't notice a low-hanging baggie of treats. Nibbler got ahold of it, and there is a few pieces missing. They are about 1/16th x 1/8th of an inch, and 1/8 by 1/4 of an inch. I don't know how small the pieces were when he ate them, if he ate one big chunk or lots of little bites.

This was at around 8pm last night. I cleaned the cage and he was pooping last night, but here's the catch - I'm going to be out of town from 3pm this afternoon until 5pm tomorrow afternoon!!!! What is my timeframe for impaction? How long do I have to wait before I can stop worrying? My roommate will be home and able to check with me on the phone with him, but he won't be home until 11pm tonight. I'm horribly worried. I might could drive back into town tonight but it 'd add 2 more hours onto an already crazy work schedule. I'm worried if I do I won't be able to wake up in time for work tomorrow morning.

Any advice on what I can do, or what the timeframe is to see any problems if I'm going to see them?
You would probably be seeing a problem by now. If the chin is eating and has droppings in normal amounts, I wouldn't worry too much. It's been 16 hours since he could have ingested plastic, he's probably just fine.

I think you would have seen a problem within 6 to 8 hours.

I'll make sure I put eyes on him one more time before I head out of town. But this means I can breathe, at least. I felt his belly this morning and it felt normal, how long would it take to feel firmness in the belly from something like that?
It would probably take a few days to feel any blockage in the belly. But, that's after a couple days of not having normal droppings or having none at all come out.

If you have a chance before you leave, let the chinchilla have playtime outside of the cage. That will speed up gut motility a bit and possibly help pass anything that isn't moving as it should.
Make sure he is still pooping today (mine don't leave droppings during the day, but they are eating them!). So watch for him to reach down there for a snack. Make sure he is drinking and give your roomate detailed and written instructions of when to look for poop and what to do if it stops. Just because a chin ate plastic doesn't mean they will have an impaction...it is just a risk. Soft plastic can make a blockage, but it could just get wadded up and pooped out.

My point is make sure he is still pooping some before you leave town. He would have had poops last night regardless. Mine eat their poops fast in the day....if you want to try this, it works for me.....Put him in a carrier, like for the vet, and he will be nervous/curious for a bit and too busy wanting out to eat poop. That way, he will leave you some. It might take a bit...mine hardly leave me a sample in the day time....but a car ride to the vet usually produces it regardless.
I think I'm in luck if exercise helps keep the gut moving. Nibbler is my psychoninja. He's constantly on his wheel all day and all night. He wakes up, hops on the wheel for a few minutes, and goes back to sleep, probably at least every half an hour during the day. :)

I cleaned his shelves off this morning, so I can take a look at least and see if he's pooping. I've never caught either of my boys eating their poo, so I should be able to get a good idea of if he's still pooping. It'll be crazy but I think I can run by the house before I leave town (between work, and work, and other work, egads!) His poo did look at little bit small today, but it fluctuates it seems, and I didn't think it was really out of the ordinary. Will keep you guys posted if anything changes.

Thank you as always for the help. :)
That's good....I wish mine would do it that way...better for their health. Cleaning up all the old poo is the only way to see new poo! Let us know!
Well, I cleaned the cage at 2pm. Just got home at 8:30, the 24-hour mark. We have good lookin' poo! (Very good actually, better than normal. Perhaps the mixed herbs, etc, in the chinnie mix in the bag helped him out, heh!)

So he's at least producing well as of the 18 hour mark. Woot! :dance3:
I hung out with him for a bit. His begging-to-be-out ledge was immediately covered in perfect poos. He did his usual try-to-eat-the-world thing on a quick playtime, and he's happily munching and hanging out. I think I'm in the clear. :)