Wood and Fur Questions?

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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
In the pictures I've seen on here I've seen the sticks really small, I was just curious if it's okay to have bigger ones. In my cage I have maybe fore arm length apple wood sticks and they like to sit under them or sit up and chew them, is that okay? I made sure that no pointy parts are sticking out to where their eyes or something could get hurt.

Just a little curious that's all.

Also, I noticed that Rex's fur is getting all tangled and stuff I'm afraid that it's turning into a mat, but I don't know why it's happening, he's getting baths 3 - 4 times a week and nothing in his diet has changed, nothing real exciting that would stress him out at the house has happened either. :[
bigger is okay. just gotta watch that they dont pee on it, cause then you need to toss it. if it is big enough for a perch, you could always drill it, put a screw in it and attach to the cage.

sometimes they rub against their water bottle and get a little spot that looks tangled. but with good pellet and appropriate treats as well as dust baths on a regular basis their coat shouldnt really change.
In the pictures I've seen on here I've seen the sticks really small, I was just curious if it's okay to have bigger ones. In my cage I have maybe fore arm length apple wood sticks and they like to sit under them or sit up and chew them, is that okay? I made sure that no pointy parts are sticking out to where their eyes or something could get hurt.

What you have is fine, but if you are preparing (scrubbing, boiling, baking) the wood yourself maybe you can also prepare some twigs/sticks and coins and you can drill holes in them and make hanging toys or just hand it to them, they love holding them to chew.

Also, I noticed that Rex's fur is getting all tangled and stuff I'm afraid that it's turning into a mat, but I don't know why it's happening, he's getting baths 3 - 4 times a week and nothing in his diet has changed, nothing real exciting that would stress him out at the house has happened either. :[

What is his diet? What type/brand of pellets are you feeding? Is it too humid where the chins are located. All of that can factor into a chins fur/coat.
That might be it, because it's on his back left hip. So should I just keep giving him baths and try to rub it out. Our cat has super long hair and he gets mats all the time he also has some disorder that has to do with it, but when we start to see him get tangled knots in his fur when we pet him we usually can try to rub it out, will it work for Rex?