We have had Marley for a few months. Got him from a breeder as a baby (7-9 weeks old maybe). He was pretty friendly for the first month or so, explored when held, usual hedgie stuff but for the past few weeks he seems so shy. If we take him out of his cage (in the evening of course)he will ball up and stay that way. Sometimes if we sit with him and are COMPLETELY quiet he might stick his nose out but if we move at all or make ANY type of noice he rolls back up, hissing and popping. You can only sit motionless for so long. We cannot get him to open up to trim his nails or really check him over at all.. He is eating, drinking and pooping like normal. Running on his wheel at night like normal. Only thing we have noticed is dry flaky skin on his fleece. Will add some flax seed oil or olive oil to his food (Chicken Soup for a Cats Soul). He does not seem to be losing quills, I think we already went through his first quilling so I do not think that is it. We take him out in the evening every night, let him sit on us in his sleeping bag but all he does is stay in the bag (sleeping?). We do have to wake him up to do this because he does not usually wake up on his own until about 10 pm and by then we are ready for bed. I have read everything I can find on the forums but cannot really figure out what to do other than be patient. Oh and he doesnt seem to be intersted in treats when we try to bribe him to come out...have tried fruits, vegs, chicken, mealies etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!:tantrum: