Wire bottom cages

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If you want more ledges, check with Sugarmama. They make very nice ledges and are reasonable. She fills a priority box full with different sizes. Even if you don't need them all at once, you will eventually, and you'll have them on hand to change them out.
I've have a few cages with wire bottoms, and made a "T" stand for one of them, that any chin in there, seems to have enjoyed! The cage has a 24" x 24" base, so I cut two 1 x 10's, 24" long, and one 14"! Centered the shorter one and put it in the middle at a 90 degree angle, and put the other on top! I predrilled and used drywall screws, as it'll never be chewed that far! Now there's something covering about 1/3 if the wire floor, a "hidey house" with both ends open, and a shelf to get up on!
Most of my cages have wire bottoms and wire levels. I cover 2 of the levels with newspapers. When I clean I put a thick layers of papers. Then each day I remove
a layer or 2 (depending on how dirty they are). It is so such easier to monitor pee and poops this way and they aren't standing or lying on wire - unless they want to on the third level. Crazy thing is ALL my chins throw the newspapgers off the third shorter level - I gave up and leave it without papers
I will check all that out. I will be getting some 12 x 12 tiles to put in the bottom of his cage and I will be looking into fleece beds and tubes also.
I have used wire bottoms that had 1"x1" bottoms that the chins did just fine in(wood blocks for foot rests). I however switched to solid so I could have more room for chins in my building.
So you can keep more chins in a solid bottom then you can with wire bottom cages? Not that I'm looking to get a lot of them...I just find that interesting.
I think he meant more stacking room Maighen. A lot of the old wire cages had quite a bit of space between the top one and the next one. If you got rid of those, you could probably fit two more runs in that space that was just empty air.
Oh yeah that makes more sense!!! Some times I believe my blonde hair causes air in my head lol.
Your doing very good, Bailey must be SUPER happy having you as a parent!!!