Winston is losing weight, any ideas??

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Hey guys,
For the past month or so, Winston has been losing weight. He was sitting between 360-375ish grams, and is now down to around 320. He has been to the vet, and she says there is nothing wrong with him, and she still felt fat pockets on him. His mouth looks clean, based of what I saw when he yawned. He is running and pooping like normal, if maybe a little less poop, and he is still scarfing down all of his chicken/meal worms dishes. He's only eating about 20 kibble per night, which is down for him. He used to average 50-70 per night. I bought a new fresh bag and that didn't work, so I added in a new type. He now only eats the new type, but still only about 20 kibbles. His old food (still in the dish) is Acana Prairie Feast, and I have added Innova for indoor or fat cats. There is still new food (Innova) left in the bowl in the morning. Does anyone else have any suggestions on what I could try?? Thanks guys

How's Winston doing? He may simply be adjusting to your vacation/return. Is he still losing weight or has it stabilized?
It stabalized at 320ish for the past few days. I've been back for at least a month now. He's still only eating about 20 kibble a night, and all of his protein stuff. It's cos he's not eating kibble. I've booked another vet appt. for next week, as she said to bring him in again if he didn't get better

That might be an idea. Ottewell i simpossible to get into on short notice. I'd rather he go there for the moment though, as she's familliar with this incident. Thanks for the tip April

An update on Winston, as he had another vet appt. today. The vet gassed him and did blood work and x-rays and still couldn't find anything wrong. She was about to give him some antibiotics again (the same he was on before) when she checked on a last test, and she thinks he may have an UTI. She's put him on Bactril for 3 weeks (.03 twice a day) as she said that should kill anything that it might be. Everything else came back totally normal with the exception of this one swab. She said there was more than normal cells, but wasn't 100% sure yet. Hopefully this will cure everything.

Has he still been loosing weight and not eating? A UTI could do it but I would think there would be blood in his urine if it was bad enough to cause him to loose weight and not eat much. Hopefully the meds will work.
He's been eating, but only his 'wet' food (mealies, chicken, etc.). He dropped his kibble intake quite a bit. After the first round yesterday, he ate all of his new kibble. Still won't touch the old stuff though. At least that is an improvement. There was no blood, but that's the only guess the vet has at the moment.

How old was the other kibble? Perhaps it had gone stale.

A few years ago, one of my babies was rehomed without my knowledge despite the fact that I have it written into my contract that I am to be contacted. The new owner wrote me after spending close to $800 on her and the vet wanting to run more tests on her amounting to another $800. The problem was she wasn't eating. In talking with her, I discovered that she was eating, just not her kibble. Talking more I discovered that she was still using the bag of kibble that the original owner had purchased 6 months earlier. I suggested a new bag of kibble and immediately the girl started eating kibble again. I so wish the girl had contacted me initially and saved herself a load of money.
I bought a brand new bag, but he still won't touch it. That's when I added another brand in, and he was eating the new one. Still not a lot. Last night, he ate all of the new stuff

I stopped putting acana into Hufflelump's mix too after he stopped eating his kibble. Maybe there is just something in it that goes bad quicker, and then they don't want to touch it again. It is always good to have a few kinds in the mix for that reason. Sounds like maybe Winston is coming around to the new stuff, and perhaps the medicine is making him feel better.