RAF Chins
First, congrats on the adorable addition. He looks decent sized for his age and going by information provided is very healthy and hopefully remains so.
Second, this thread is the EXACT reason I LOVE mosaics! You never REALLY know what you'll get. Though, some lines do age in the same manner...and I'd say you DO have a greater chance the chin will lighten only because MOST whites lighten as opposed to darken. Only time will tell!
Finally, I'd like to address your sentiment in buying this chinchilla. While I DO think you were obviously a good candidate...saying
Second, this thread is the EXACT reason I LOVE mosaics! You never REALLY know what you'll get. Though, some lines do age in the same manner...and I'd say you DO have a greater chance the chin will lighten only because MOST whites lighten as opposed to darken. Only time will tell!
Finally, I'd like to address your sentiment in buying this chinchilla. While I DO think you were obviously a good candidate...saying
isn't entirely accurate, and is furthermore the attitude that keeps byb's going fortunately YOU are doing everything to care for this chinchilla properly...UNFORTUNATELY you have given this "breeder" the funding and mindset to continue in the same manner...and perhaps the next kits will not be so lucky in finding a home where their new owners are aware of what to look out for in kits weaned too early. The point is, the breeder is unethical and should NOT be supported.so there is no harm done