Will a fan keep chins cool enough?

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nick and emily

Active member
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
I live in NJ with my parents. So, my chins have to stay in a room with me. Last summer I ran an AC all summer and was sick all summer. The AC gives me really bad sinus and throat infections. Its been like 80 degrees all week here and Ive had the AC on. Already I am sick. I was wondering if anyone knew of alternatives that work well other than ACs. We dont have central air. I was thinking a high velocity industrial fan??? Anyone know if that would work?
No. You have to have an a/c. I know NJ gets hotter than heck in the summer so your chin is going to need it.

Chins do not sweat. Fans do absolutely no good if you cannot sweat and cool your body down internally. A fan will do nothing but blow around hot hair and make your chin just as miserable as no fan would.
There is no alternative to an a/c for chinchillas. Fans do not keep them cool- fans keep us cool because we sweat. Chinchillas do not sweat, so it does nothing to cool them off. It's good for circulating air but that's it. It is also bad to keep them in the direct draft a fan creates.
You may want to check the inside of your AC. If it's making you sick you may have mold or other contaminates inside.
It sounds like the AC may need to have an HVAC technician come out and look at it and blow out the ducting system. It sounds like you may have mold spores and some other contaminates, like Essentia said.
I agree with Essentia, its really important to dismantle your ac after winter and clean it thouroughly with vinegar or bleach. It extend the life of the object by quite a bit, and also prevents black mold from being brought in from outdoors.

I live in California, because of the humidity I have to clean it out 2 or 3 times a year. Last year I got an awful sinus infection and found black mold in there.