Why are platforms and stiletto heels fashionable?

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
Spent some time today looking that Golden Globes Best/Worst dressed. And I'd like to know who in the heck deemed it attractive or fashionable to wear 4 inch platforms and 6 inch stiletto heels? It's looks absolutely appalling actually. Why ruin a sometimes beautiful dress with clunky looking shoes? And yes a huge honking platform on your shoes does look clunky and very unlady like!
I am short (5'3") and I depended heavily on platform shoes back in the day lol. When it came to homecoming or prom and I had to wear a formal dress I had to have big shoes. I tried having a dress altered ONCE and it looked ridiculous so every other event after that I just wore high shoes. However, I do think the Style of the platforms makes a huge difference. I think a lot of platform shoes that are open toed or that lace just look like stripper shoes and they aren't classy at all. The shoes I had were one color and so the platform blended and they were closed toe so they didn't look quite as ridiculous (they were also only 2-3in platforms). Now as for Stilettos??? I don't like them at all.
When I was very young...and stupid. I thought that it looked good to wear the four or five inch heels. I loved the stripper shoes...and seriously, it did make me look like a drag queen in certain places. I worked with a lot of short people, but I wore the big heels. Now that I look back at it, that was really stupid. Plus my feet hurt so bad. I would go for weeks with completely numb toes.
Laurie... what are you talking about?! I love my high heels and I think I would die if they didn't exist. Granted I am an itty bitty 4'11", I think a fab pair of heels is a necessity, especially for me! :neener:
I'm 5'2". I can't walk in heels to save my life. (surprise there, huh?). I have no desire to walk "tippy toed" for hours on end. Sorry!
I'm 5'8" and will wear heels, depending on the size of my date, though never those types. When I was single and held out no hope of being otherwise, I felt better being able to look the boys directly in the eye. It made me feel less "beneath them". Now, of course, I realize it was all a perception thing and entirely in my head, but if I wear a short skirt, I try to wear a little heel b/c of the changes in leg muscles as you walk in them. :) I would never attempt either one on a red carpet either, unless I was getting paid to fall on my backside and look like a klutz. :rofl:
I don't believe most of Hollywood is short--they just look tacky as all get out imo! LOL!
I think platforms are hideous. Plain and simple. I would not be caught dead in a pair of platforms.

Stilettos can look ok depending on the dress and function, but it would have to be pretty spectacular. I prefer flats or a short heel (like under three inches) - my feet hurt when I wear heels, and I don't like it.
i am short so i am a fan of a higher shoe. i do not like stilettos, but i do like platforms. they are actually more comfortable. i especially like platform boots.
with an elegant dress, i think a dainty open toe shoe is the way to go. although walking in one of those for that many hours is back breaking!
intersting food for thought, high heels were made common in the middle ages when people would throw their waste and stuff on the ground. the stiletto like heel kept womens feet and dresses from sopping up the dirt and stuff on the ground.

Now that we have gutter/sewer systems we don't really have that problem.

I'm short and I love my flats. I have heels that I wear when i get super dressed up but If I can match my dress to a nice pair of flats I try to do that instead.
I have worn high heels on and off since I was 13 years old,...LOL,...but I can NOT get the hang of walking gracefully in platforms! I feel like I am doing a Frankenstein walk!
I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE Stilettos! I will wear them with jeans, skirts dresses just about anything. I even went to a pool party and wore them with a bikini to make my legs look longer. I always get complements on my heels.

I actually prefer to wear heels over flats or sneakers. My plantar fasciitis actually doesnt act up when I am in heels. Its when my feet are flat that my feet hurt. I have a heel that I need to fix so I can wear them to work because its more comfortable for me to be 8-9 hours in heels rather than confined to flats.

ETA I do however hate platforms and I have yet to find a fashionable one.