Why are my chinchillas so moody?

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Nov 30, 2012
Whenever Tina and Aretha are inside of their cage, they kack at whoever comes near most of the time and try to spray or bite. Other times if you just put your hand in there they'll come up and sniff at your hand and maybe climb up your arm. But most of the time they're rather aggressive.

However... As soon as they're out of the cage, they become friendly and snuggly.

So they're mean in their cage, but they're really sweet when they're out of the cage and in your hands.

What's up with this?
I'm also wondering this! Sometimes my 1 yr old male chin will get in these "rowdy" (I call it) moods where he kacks loudly and will bite anyone hard who gets near him. This lasts for a short time and odd times of the day, usually very early morning. Anyone have insight?
How long have you had your chins? Some chinchillas can be cage territorial or just a pain to get out since they want to be dominant. Its just something you have to give time and work through.
Imagine someone putting their arms through your bedroom window to disturb you...you wouldn't like it either LOL Chins are territorial. I would respect their space and appreciate that they are friendly out of their cage.