Whole wheat pasta?

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I seem to remember from the old CNQ site that dried whole wheat pasta was a safe treat to give your chins in small amounts. Is that true or am I just falsely remembering?:hmmm:
I give my chins whole wheat and tri color minus the white pasta. I get Hodgkin's Mills tri color actually it's quad color whole wheat rotini as a treat. It has beet, carrot and spinach--except Wesley doesn't like the beet! But everyone else just loves them. I give these maybe twice a month only though. Stand back though because once they start is sounds like a sawmill going on in the livingroom!
Hedgemom had said that plain whole wheat pasta is fine, in moderation as a treat like the others.

Laurie's right about the noise! The noodles are so hard, it's a very loud crunching noise. But chins love them. Buy small pasta, though--they are very hard to break! :D
Thanks so much. I gave them a small macaroni noodle and they loooved it. I love watching them hold it in their little hands and crunch crunch crunch!!
This is slightly a little off topic, but is anyone still concerned with wheat allergies? I don't feed anything to the kids here because of the possible wheat allergies I've read about....just curious?
I have only read about a couple of chins with wheat allergies and it was nothing concrete as far as documentation, I don't think it is anything to worry about in general. I would love to read more about it, do you have any links? With that said, I have never fed wheat pasta to my chins.