who have you been kissing?

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2010
London Ont. Canada
Our 14 year old daughter has come down with a case of mono. You should have seen the look on her face when the emerg. doc. asked her who she's been kissing. She was all "ewwww!!! noone!!" Fortunately, it seems to be a mild case, hopefully it runs its course soon.
Mono is one of the number one communicable diseases that adolescents come down with every year. Although known as the kissing disease, it can be transmitted by drinking out of the water fountain, sharing a soda, etc. But that is too funny! ( the reaction, not that she has it ) Good for her thinking kissing is ewww! Hope she feels better soon!

I.E. Just watch out in the future, I had what they thought was a mild case of mono as a teenager, and it led to a diagnoses of Epstein Barr Syndrome, which is a form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
I actually think it's none of the doctor's business whom she may have be kissing (or not) and asking that question to a young adult in front of her parents seems rather insensitive (even if the adults find it funny).
As stated above, the disease can be transmitted in more than one way, so there is no reason whatsoever to embarrass the young girl. An informative approach (explaining how the virus is transmitted) is in many ways better suited in any situation.
Had this been my child, the doctor would have thought twice before making the same mistake.
We are aware of the ways the virus is spread, the doctor was actually very informative. The question was in no way asked in a serious context, he was just using a little humorous bed side manner. He did let her know how mono is transmitted, and what she has to do get better, and also all the precautions we need to take to make sure it doesn't spread. I would never tolerate any adult in any situation being insensitive to any of my kids, I take things like that very seriously.
Bostongirl and eroomlorac, thanks for the well wishes, she seems to be doing well right now. At least her tonsils are back to normal, and we're making sure she gets plenty of rest.:)
It is hard to see her so drained, she's normally a pretty active kid. She loves sports,especially soccer,which she can't play any more due to a knee injury. If it's not one thing it's another. It could be worse though, so I'm not going to complain. I think I may upgrade her camera for Christmas, and get her into photography classes lol. :)