white / milky dishcarge

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I noticed today that one of my female chin 1 yr old had a white /milky puss discharge coming out of her bottom. This is the first time I've seen something like this in her. She's eating / drinking & pooping fine. i'm afraid it may be uti or pyometra ? please help!! thank you!
Most likely pyometra. Schedule a vet appointment for her right away. The sooner infections are found and treated the better!
She also could just be in heat. Normally pyometra comes with lethargy and lack of appetite. How much discharge is it? How milky is it? Is just just a little cloudy? Does it smell at all?

If you are concerned about it, go to the vet. If you see any changes in behavior that makes you worry, go to the vet. Most females with a uterine infection that is so bad that it has discharge do not eat and only have a short time before the bacterial infection makes them very sick...to the point of no return. It is not something that you can let go for more than maybe a few hours. If it is an infection, she needs to see the vet ASAP.
Thank you Lan & AZchins. I should look for a vet :( It's not too much discharge. I noticed it when i picked her up to play. She was very jumpy and hyper as usual. It was white & kinda sticky looking. I cleaned it with warm wet tissue then wiped it dry & gave her a quick dust bath. She seems to be okay but I am starting to worry now that it may not be normal. oh and she eats fine as usual. I'm not sure if it's because of the heat 'cause my other chin sharing same cage doesn't have the problem.
I would go into the vet. If caught early enough sometimes pyometra (I always spelll that wrong) can be treated with meds. Better to be safe than sorry as often 1 day can make all the difference
hmm...strange but after that day and i cleaned for her, the puss no longer comes out. my it's not pyometra?
It's my understanding that she can "close up" with the infection sealed inside of her, which then really is not good. Usually in that instance the only thing you can do to save her life is having her spayed. As AZchins (Susan) said it may not be an infection if it doesn't smell and she doesn't show signs of lethargy. I know if it was my chin I would be bringing her to the vet to rule out pyometra as if not caught and treated in a timely manner this is lethal to female chins.