White ebony babies!

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Here is a very cute little white ebony girl:

She has a really cute white spot on her side but you cannot see it in these pics

And here is an awesome white ebony male, he is really dark (the flash totally washes him out) and he has a large spot of white on his belly too:


You can see the cute black M on the female in the back here:
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Beautiful kits, and wonderful pics, as usual, Chantel!!

Ha, these were from the hubby, I am out of service! I had a 4"-5" chuck of my arm and a lymph node removed, so I get a break and a good excuse for him to do the cage cleaning. :neener:
Awww, such cute kits!! I hope you feel better soon, Chantel!
On the last picture it looks like the color was stolen from the one in front and put on the one in the back!
They are gorgeous! Hope you are feeling better.
I dont know much about colors..........what is the difference between a white ebony and a mosaic? is is in the parents lineage? (is that even the right word! lol)
what is the difference between a white ebony and a mosaic?

Eb/white has ebony, mosaic does not.

Beautiful babies. That male is a looker.
They are sooo cute!! I love the ebony male! they make me want to :kiss: them!!
congrats! :)
It is amazing how long you can wait for certain mutations to be born. I rarely get mosaics or white ebonies and they are my favorite. I always drooled over the pics on here of people awesomely colored whites, and finally I have one of my own!
And here is an awesome white ebony male, he is really dark (the flash totally washes him out) and he has a large spot of white on his belly too:


You can see the cute black M on the female in the back here:

Aww very cute. I will take that dark little male off your hands. LOL

Oh and I think it looks like a little bat on the female. Cute babies