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Today, I found my ebony's 3rd fallen whisker on the fleece liner within one week. I find whiskers every once in a while- but never 3 in a week..... My beige (cagemate) is quite docile and they haven't been fighting or anything. Normal water intake, food intake, activity level.

Anyone got a clue as to why I'm finding so many whiskers?
There is nothing wrong with the skin and whiskers area as I can see it....

--I just saw my beige rub noses with my ebony....(so cute!) just thought I'd mention it in case it'd be helpful =)
Sounds like normal shedding to me.

I collect and save all of MY whiskers that I find -- I call them my "lucky chinchilla whiskers"!!!
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My chins lose their whiskers too, but I know cats lose their whiskers so I was never really concerned about it. I find a whisker about every other day. If you start finding a LOT of whiskers, that would be cause for concern.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that saves my chin's whiskers! I keep them in a band-aid box and carry them around with me. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy.
Nothing to worry about. Just like any other hair sometimes it sheds more often than other times