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just a little chin-crazy!
Feb 8, 2014
chicago suburbs
has anyone ever had a chin that got a whisker (or 2 or 3) that got chewed off, bent, or otherwise messed up? Did it cause any changes in behavior, movement or such?

ive heard of cats balance being thrown off due to loss of whiskers, just wondering if it happens to chinnies too. my chin has one chewed off and one bent, both on the same side.
Chins can loose whiskers. It does not affect them. Many of my colony chins have short whiskers from their cage mates chewing them.
It does not hurt them to lose or have bent whiskers. Dominant chins chew the whiskers off of their cagemate and some will even trim whiskers of an aggressive dominant chin to put their chins on a more even playing field during introductions.