Which fruits and Veggies?

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Hello all!

I am new here and to chinchillas. I have always loved chinchillas and am very excited about having Farrah come live with me. I did a ton of online research about their diet and still wonder what else I can do for her dinning pleasure.

I have a bunch of timothy gras with a few Rose hips in it, pellet food and lots of treats.

I want to know what fruits and veggies are ok to give Farrah? Everything after this is random exposition and not important you read if you are not feelin like it.

I have a rat who gets fresh fruit and veggies daily as a treat and diet suppliment and want the same for my chinchilla.

I know that lettuce will give them diarrea and that corn is fairly undigestable. Both of which the pet store owner was giving her. They only had her a few days so I'm not fantasticly worried about her health.
No fruits or vegetables for chinchillas. Even dried the way everything should be in their diet. Especially no fruit - it contains too much sugar for chinnies to deal with. The odd rosehip or plain shredded wheatis totally fine though. All chins need is a good pellet, bottledwater and a nice timothy hay!

Chinchillas are very sensitive to change in their diet too. Even when changing pellet it should be done gradually.
What are the "lots of treats" you're feeding?

Like macygray said, treats should be given 2-3 times per WEEK. And safe treats include, rosehips, twigs/wood, plain cheerios or even give fun toys freely.

Lots of sugar can cause bloat or GI stasis, very painful or even deadly.
Good quality pellets (Oxbow, Mazuri, APD, Nutrena, Tradition), good quality hay (Oxbow, Kleenmama's) and fresh water. That's it. No fruits, no veggies. Supplement is not necessary either, unless you choose to give it, and only if it is a tested, proven supplement from someone who knows what they are doing (www.ryersonchinchilla.com).

Other than that, the treats as mentioned above are safe: Bite sized, nonsugared shredded wheats, the occasional plain cheerio, dried rosehips, chin safe wood chews.

My mantra is KISS: Keep it simple stupid. With chins, less is definitely more.
Yes I 2nd, 3rd and 4th no fresh fruits and veggies for the chins--no dried fruit or veggies either. Safe treats are 1/2 square plain shredded wheat, 1 cheerio, a pinch--meaning a few old fashioned oats--not the quick cook kind.
Chins need lots of hay--more hay than pellets really. Feed only quality pellets--no pellets with any kind of treats i.e. dried fruits and vegetables in it.

Congrats on your Farrah, ask lots of questions and you'll become a great chin owner!
Once in a blue moon I give them a almond sliver sized 1/4 long peice of apple. No more then that. But the best rule is hay/good feed and keep the snacks to a minimum. Some good wood chews. Chin safe wood.
Thank you all for the great feedback. These forum have been great to learn about the care and behavior.

I threw the lettuce out of her cage the moment I got her home. She was only lightly nibbling the oranges she had in there so I will slowly start taking those away. But she loves the died whole corn on the cob they had in there. Thats gonna take a bit longer I suppose.

What are the "lots of treats" you're feeding?

I haven't fed her any of the treats. I don't plan of feeding her lots at once. Infact all the stuff that came with her has been checked. Anything with honey or dried fruit or veggies has been donated to Katarzyna. Its been a good day to be a rat. So she now only gets rose hips and and timothy grass cubes.
I threw the lettuce out of her cage the moment I got her home. She was only lightly nibbling the oranges she had in there so I will slowly start taking those away. But she loves the died whole corn on the cob they had in there. Thats gonna take a bit longer I suppose.

I would just take them away immidiately, since they're not good for her. She might be a little upset with you, but she'll get over it!
More treats for Katarzyna!

As I'm finding out about Farrah's personality, she doesn't like treats to eat as much of a good rubbing. I just spent a half a hour rubbing her chin and now i have a pic of where she fell asleep against the side of her cage where I'd been rubbing her. So cute!!!
Treats are really just a mental thing for us as pet owners - the chins don't mind if they don't get treats... they're just happy if they're being cared for and healthy. As mentioned, take everything out and stick to the basics. Also, are the hay cubes the only hay she's getting? They're decent, but loose hay is much much better for their teeth.
Good quality pellets (Oxbow, Mazuri, APD, Nutrena, Tradition), good quality hay (Oxbow, Kleenmama's) and fresh water. That's it. No fruits, no veggies. Supplement is not necessary either, unless you choose to give it, and only if it is a tested, proven supplement from someone who knows what they are doing (www.ryersonchinchilla.com).

Other than that, the treats as mentioned above are safe: Bite sized, nonsugared shredded wheats, the occasional plain cheerio, dried rosehips, chin safe wood chews.

My mantra is KISS: Keep it simple stupid. With chins, less is definitely more.

I agree 100% with what tunes said. I think people think they need to give chins treats cause it makes the person feel better. Chins will be absolutely happy with a good quality pellet, good quality hay, and fresh water. Chin safe wood chews are an excellent idea in my book too. It gives the chins something save to chew on to help wear down their teeth.