which foods, urgent!!!

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Can i have a full list of whats good and whats not food wise? At the moment my little Mittens wont eat anything solid and she's been hiding this from me until a week ago when i noticed she was lethargic. I tried everything during the week and all i can get her to eat are raisins and banana. Can you give me other ideas for food other than critical care? thanks, kimi xx
Has this chin been to a vet to be diagnosed why it won't eat solid food? The banana and raisins can be causing digestive issues which will also cause the chin to not eat. Lethargy is a serious sign of illness in chins, this chin needs a vet visit ASAP and stop using sweets, just feed CC until you get to the vet.
Why not Critical Care? If she's not eating you MUST feed her, and Critical Care is what is used when chinchillas stop eating. Absolutely stop giving her raisins and bananas, it will only make her worse. In a pinch pellets can be ground up and made into a paste with water. But, another important thing...

If she's not eating you need to find out why, especially if she is lethargic. I hate to sound blunt but f she is not treated soon, it is only a matter of time before she dies. Once a chinchilla stops eating, their GI system will shut down and it is very, very painful. This chin needs veterinary attention right away.
No sweet or sugary foods, no baby foods, no greens, no fruits or anything that will potentially ferment in the gut. Your chin needs high fibre, no sugar foods & plenty of fluids.
Oxbow Critical Care or (as Dawn suggested) Supreme Science Selective are the usual choices here in the UK for feeding sick chinchillas. Some people also grind up pellets, a little alfalfa, & hay then mix it with water to make a syringe food or spoon feed.