which exercise pen?

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I would like to purchase a large exercise pen/playpen for my two chins... I use the bathroom now but there are two cabinets they can go under and catching them can be a bear.. I would like a pen that is large enough that I can get inside it with them. Collapsable would be great. What brand and where can one be puchased?
I have two of the WARE deluxe playpens. They are awesome. I love them. They are a little expensive though. Petco has them and you can do an internet search to get them a bit cheaper.
I have this pen..
But with the height, unless you get the cover they can easily jump out, and then with the cover on, it's not tall enough for me to sit in it with them

The best thing I've seen is people made their own pens out of large sheets of cardboard taped together. This allows you to make it as big as you want and they're tall so the chins can't escape. And then you can always replace the sheets if they get chewed.

I know Deena made one, perhaps there's pictures of it somewhere..
I have a couple of the big Martins PlayPens. I love them, I'm short so I can just about sit in them with the chins and close the lid.

Here's a video of Sophie surfing and Ember roaming around in the PlayPen.

I also have a Ware Playpen. It is not as big and I don't use it as much. It is similar to the Marshall's playpen, but I don't buy Marshall's products as they are a ferret mill and I don't support mill breeding of any animal.
I have the BIG midwest pen- only thing is I put chicken wire around the bottom 1/2 bc my boys were able to wiggle their bodies 1/2 way out.
(Also its kinda heavy... so be aware)

For any pen though I would recommend going on clist to search your local area and buy a used one... 1/4th of the normal price in the store and all you have to do is clean it up :D
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I have the one from Dr Fosters and Smith but they can jump out of it. I like the one Sandi has [I don't always use their bedroom]..

So Sandi is that something that is safe if they chew on it. I love it because if you have to walk away for a second, they will still be safe.

I have the one from Dr Fosters and Smith but they can jump out of it. I like the one Sandi has [I don't always use their bedroom]..

So Sandi is that something that is safe if they chew on it. I love it because if you have to walk away for a second, they will still be safe.

My boys have not chewed on the canvas-type bottom that is velcroved to the sides of this pop-up playpen. I've washed the bottom that detaches at least 10 times. I've been using it since early March and the only thing that my one chin has done a few times is paw at the mesh windows but not often. Some members who own this playpen don't even use the bottom. I just find it easier to detach the bottom and take it outside to shake all the poop and hay out. I love that it has a zippered mesh top so that the chins can't jump out.
I just ordered a WARE playpen! I'm quite excited because I had been searching for the perfect playpen for awhile. I got it for $63
My boys have not chewed on the canvas-type bottom that is velcroved to the sides of this pop-up playpen. I've washed the bottom that detaches at least 10 times. I've been using it since early March and the only thing that my one chin has done a few times is paw at the mesh windows but not often. Some members who own this playpen don't even use the bottom. I just find it easier to detach the bottom and take it outside to shake all the poop and hay out. I love that it has a zippered mesh top so that the chins can't jump out.

Great thanks alot Sandi, I think I"m gonna order this one and I will use the bottom too for the same reason...Easier for poo disposal. It will come in so handy when I can't sit in their bedroom and watch them.....

I got the 11 panel one from Ferret.com and highly recommend it.

It was the best thing I ever bought! I bought the cover too but its kind of a pain and I never use it. Honestly I don't even need to use it because although my chins could easily jump over it they have never tried. Maybe its because they can see through the slats.

Instead of using it in a circle like the display, I just configure it around the area I don't want them in , I keep my chins in a small office where I have a computer desk and bookshelf. I just put the gate in front of the desk and shelf so they can't access those areas and they have free run of the rest of the room.

Easily collapable-foldable, portable (although it does weight about 25 lbs) and configurable to any shape.
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so the one side of the ware playpen is velcroed or zippered, so i would be able to put up to their cage and they could climb in it?? and also can you fit in it if you wanted to sit inside? that may be a good option for me.