Which cage??

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Hi I'm getting my hedgie in 2 weeks I found a cage that is pretty big made for rabbits but it has a wire mesh bottom and sides, I was thinking of buying it and putting a floor in made of wood or something but I have also heard that hedgies can climb up the sides and fall off if the sides are made completley of wire mesh. I found another for guinea pigs which is smaller more expensive but has a plastic base so would be harder to climb up the sides

Any advise on which 1 to get???

Thanks :thumbsup:
There is a C&C cage. You can get the cubes at a Target or Walmart for about $15-20. You can get coroplast for cheap to have on the bottom. It allows good Airflow and you can make it as big as you would like and its super cheap!
Thanks for the advice :thanks4:

I decided to go with the guinea pig cage tho cos I found a big 1 that wasn't 2 expensive and I'm not sure how good my C & C making skills would be

Thanks anyway ;)