Which Bedding Is Safe To Use?

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2010
I know cedar is bad for chinchillas. The Eco paper bedding, Carefresh, and Kaytee Total Comfort bedding my chins like to eat, so I cant use them. I am wondering if its safe to use pine, and aspen bedding?

Kiln-dried pine and aspen are perfectly ok. I personally use aspen in my litterboxes. If they nibble on the KD pine or aspen, that is usually normal and ok. They get excited when you give them fresh litter. The other beddings, I wouldn't let them eat though.
Kiln dried pine and aspen are safe. A lot of people also use fleece liners + a litter pan with pine/aspen.
Is Carefresh okay for them to eat? Mine eat it too, but only a little bit. They like it in their litter boxes and it's the only way I can get my girl into hers.
I know there have been cases of impaction with chins eating too much Carefresh, so I stay away from it for that reason. You'd really have to watch and see how much of it they eat. Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk. (And it's more expensive!)
Is Carefresh okay for them to eat? Mine eat it too, but only a little bit. They like it in their litter boxes and it's the only way I can get my girl into hers.

Sometimes it looks like they are eating eat but they are actually just nibbling on it like they do with a wood stick. Yours may not be eating it all, but I would definitely keep an eye on it. I use fleece liners for all my boys, I just find it easier for me and less messy.
I'll keep an eye on them, thanks :D I use fleece liners too, but my girl tends to spray outside of her cage, so a litter box is ideal. I have pine shavings for my bunny, I'll try those tomorrow, see how she reacts.
I have done autopsies where carefresh was found blocking intestines. I would not use it I stick to pine...fleece is ok too
I have done autopsies where carefresh was found blocking intestines. I would not use it I stick to pine...fleece is ok too
good to know.

i used kiln dried pine in my litter boxes and fleece liners.......best of both worlds! ;)
No more Carefresh for them! I switched to pine yesterday and they like it :D It makes an even bigger mess because it sticks to the fleece, but it's fine.