i have 2 apple trees in my yard one is a gannysmith apple tree, i believe, and i think the other is a crab apple. are these ok for my chin?
I know that when I was younger, the tree was sprayed with pesticides. I don't know how accurate this is, but I read once on Yahoo Answers that sometimes pesticides or other sprays stay in a tree for a very long time, maybe forever. My father laughs at me because I will not cut any wood off our apple tree for my chin because of that. I'd rather be overprotective than sorry.
I will never give my chin a peice of wood that is not from a petshop or somewhere where it is specified that it is for pets and is safe. We've gotten sprayed here for Gypsy Moths a few years ago. Some people will probably say that I'm way too overprotective, but again, I'd rather be safe than sorry!