which apple wood is good for chins?

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i have 2 apple trees in my yard one is a gannysmith apple tree, i believe, and i think the other is a crab apple. are these ok for my chin?
I don't personally spray any of my trees, but the village has trucks that spray for the mosquitoes, so they get sprayed. Keep that in mind.
I am overprotective with what I put in my chins cage for him to chew and (possibly) ingest. I have an apple tree at my house, too. It's a big, old thing that gets these little sour green apples on them and deer eat them before they ripen, so I've never once in about 23 years we've been at this house tasted a sweet apple from that tree, lol.

I know that when I was younger, the tree was sprayed with pesticides. I don't know how accurate this is, but I read once on Yahoo Answers that sometimes pesticides or other sprays stay in a tree for a very long time, maybe forever. My father laughs at me because I will not cut any wood off our apple tree for my chin because of that. I'd rather be overprotective than sorry. So I buy my apple wood off of ebay! My chin likes it more than the stuff I got at PetSmart and Petco. And its sooo much cheaper for bulk. Look at this page:

I like the selller farmerdavehay. I bought a couple apple wood things from him and my chin goes crazy on this stuff. There is probably cheaper than him, but I tend to stick with what I know, even if its a couple dollars more.

I will never give my chin a peice of wood that is not from a petshop or somewhere where it is specified that it is for pets and is safe. We've gotten sprayed here for Gypsy Moths a few years ago. Some people will probably say that I'm way too overprotective, but again, I'd rather be safe than sorry!
I know that when I was younger, the tree was sprayed with pesticides. I don't know how accurate this is, but I read once on Yahoo Answers that sometimes pesticides or other sprays stay in a tree for a very long time, maybe forever. My father laughs at me because I will not cut any wood off our apple tree for my chin because of that. I'd rather be overprotective than sorry.

I will never give my chin a peice of wood that is not from a petshop or somewhere where it is specified that it is for pets and is safe. We've gotten sprayed here for Gypsy Moths a few years ago. Some people will probably say that I'm way too overprotective, but again, I'd rather be safe than sorry!

I agree 100%... chins are such fickle creatures.
Yes psycho ash, like when my chin, Sunny, will only tear apart his yellow and green wood blocks and not touch the blue or red until there's no green or yellow left, lol! Someone explain that, lol, cause I can't-wow, I don't even know if they can see color or not-I have to look that up now!

And there's still 4 or 5 sticks of PetSmart applewood left, but the stuff from farmerdave is going like crazy! I have to order more very soon. They are fickle little things, lol! I like it, though-each one is different in so many different ways-they're unique, special! Sunny has such a big personality that I LOVE. He cracks me up:)

And I never answered the question about which apple tree wood is better, crab apple or granny smith. I've never chewed on apple wood myself (though I am a little curious after seeing him go wild on some, lol), but if the bark is anything at all like the apple, I'd probably go for granny smith since crab apples are so sour. It may not make any difference, but why cut up any of the crab apple tree when you could just cut a few sticks from the granny smith that could possibly be sweeter than the crab apple...which I thinkk they'd like more than sour. But again, I would just buy it to be on the safe side. Why take a chance?!